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'As sore as a boil'Any ideas to ease it?


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They death cures all ills, so why not just take the anti-biotics get ****** while on the course, which of course neutralises the effect, and although the cure might be a bit agonising, it would be interesting to watch.


Sounds like your diet is crap, Ok so you eat a vegetable sometimes, but your teeth are an evolutionary product, and they have evolved to eat particular foods. Sadly cooking was not something the evolutionary process took careful note of, and as you know it breaks down food, like speeded up rotting, for your digestive tract. You are just another ape physiologically despite your possible superior attitude to other creatures, and like all apes your teeth were engineered to fruit, roots and other plant life.


So why not continue with the favorite meals, the heart attack specials, are something I would recommend. Who knows you could eventually be covered is pustules, and smell of rotting flesh too, and if you choose such a path, do not forget to put it on YOUTUBE will you?


did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?

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Get some magnesium sulphate paste from your chemist (you will have to ask for it). Make sure it's well stirred, apply to the affected area then cover with a dressing - it will bring the boil to a head and draw out the contents.


That's what I used to advise! I second this proposal.

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They death cures all ills, so why not just take the anti-biotics get ****** while on the course, which of course neutralises the effect, and although the cure might be a bit agonising, it would be interesting to watch.


Sounds like your diet is crap, Ok so you eat a vegetable sometimes, but your teeth are an evolutionary product, and they have evolved to eat particular foods. Sadly cooking was not something the evolutionary process took careful note of, and as you know it breaks down food, like speeded up rotting, for your digestive tract. You are just another ape physiologically despite your possible superior attitude to other creatures, and like all apes your teeth were engineered to fruit, roots and other plant life.


So why not continue with the favorite meals, the heart attack specials, are something I would recommend. Who knows you could eventually be covered is pustules, and smell of rotting flesh too, and if you choose such a path, do not forget to put it on YOUTUBE will you?


You do know that humans became more intelligent once we started cooking, its takes a lot more energy to digest raw food, so more energy went into digestion and less went into brain function, once we started to cook the food we could divert energy from digesting food to increasing our brain capacity.

This is why we are smarter than our ape ancestors.

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AGNOS In his wisdom, wrote:

You do know that humans became more intelligent once we started cooking, its takes a lot more energy to digest raw food, so more energy went into digestion and less went into brain function, once we started to cook the food we could divert energy from digesting food to increasing our brain capacity.

This is why we are smarter than our ape ancestors.



Well what a load of Bol***ks, if I have ever come across it, I assume its an opinion based on what? Humans are around 150,000 years old, and cooking my little genius is how old? Fire was being used by creatures that looked like chimpanzees 2 million years ago? The oldest cooking pot found last year in China around 22,000 years old, so rather recent.


If you are suggesting YOU are a representative specimen of a completely evolved fully developed life form, then I suggest you change careers and start being the comedian you so poorly attempt to be.


Brain capacity or its increase is suggested to be due to food it is true. But special food, not the sort of food walking on 4 legs. Sea foods, fish and such, I will not bore you with the nutritional values of this or that as you possibly know it all.


Never make a statement unless you know what you are talking about, otherwise only less educated folk will bother to listen to you, as impressing idiots seems to be something you excel in. Sadly I suggest you stick to the pond life you are educationally familiar with, its safer, and people like me won't humiliate you in public, exposing you for what you obviously are, educationally challenged in certain departments.

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AGNOS In his wisdom, wrote:

You do know that humans became more intelligent once we started cooking, its takes a lot more energy to digest raw food, so more energy went into digestion and less went into brain function, once we started to cook the food we could divert energy from digesting food to increasing our brain capacity.

This is why we are smarter than our ape ancestors.



Well what a load of Bol***ks, if I have ever come across it, I assume its an opinion based on what? Humans are around 150,000 years old, and cooking my little genius is how old? Fire was being used by creatures that looked like chimpanzees 2 million years ago? The oldest cooking pot found last year in China around 22,000 years old, so rather recent.


If you are suggesting YOU are a representative specimen of a completely evolved fully developed life form, then I suggest you change careers and start being the comedian you so poorly attempt to be.


Brain capacity or its increase is suggested to be due to food it is true. But special food, not the sort of food walking on 4 legs. Sea foods, fish and such, I will not bore you with the nutritional values of this or that as you possibly know it all.


Never make a statement unless you know what you are talking about, otherwise only less educated folk will bother to listen to you, as impressing idiots seems to be something you excel in. Sadly I suggest you stick to the pond life you are educationally familiar with, its safer, and people like me won't humiliate you in public, exposing you for what you obviously are, educationally challenged in certain departments.

Our earliest human ancestors were making tools 2.5 million years ago

and Homo erectus apparently started using fire about 1.8 million years ago, the theory is that because this early human learned how to roast meat and tuberous root vegetables over a fire which aids digestion, evaluation allowed their digestive system to shrink and their brain to grow.

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Many thanks for hijacking my thread to argue when humans began cooking food and how much energy is used to digest it. Concerning food, I know I spent 4 very painful hours cooking our sunday roast, bending up and down getting into oven. With 5 different vegetables, you'll be pleased to know erebus.! I really needed ideas on how to ease this affliction which lots of kind people have done. Many thanks everyone. You should see my shopping list today. I ll probably have the bomb squad at our house later with all these weird items in my shopping basket!

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Many thanks for hijacking my thread to argue when humans began cooking food and how much energy is used to digest it. Concerning food, I know I spent 4 very painful hours cooking our sunday roast, bending up and down getting into oven. With 5 different vegetables, you'll be pleased to know erebus.! I really needed ideas on how to ease this affliction which lots of kind people have done. Many thanks everyone. You should see my shopping list today. I ll probably have the bomb squad at our house later with all these weird items in my shopping basket!


Sorry barny65, how did you get on with the honey.

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