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The oldest web post still existing that you've seen?

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I remember sending messages back in the 1980s, just not in the current format. For my mind the Internet was the greatest innovation of the 20th century and probably the worse too for that matter


I think nuclear weapons might beat it for the latter accolade. ;)

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It was Mecky stating that Stanley Baldwin was a creep and the way forward was with Kier Hardie.


Stan Tomato replied saying, very succinctly..........................................


Mister M agreed


Sand Dollars passed on the name of a cheap but good sauna.


About 1926.

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It was Mecky stating that Stanley Baldwin was a creep and the way forward was with Kier Hardie.


Stan Tomato replied saying, very succinctly..........................................


Mister M agreed


Sand Dollars passed on the name of a cheap but good sauna.


About 1926.


And Hillpig / Xenia gloated about scabbing in the General Strike of 1926....

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