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Wentworth Woodhouse - Second World War

Jim Quinn

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I'm just starting out on a local history project which will focus on Sheffield during the Second World War. I'm particularly looking for any information or stories on Wentworth Woodhouse during that time. I know there were Army, and possibly the RAF, units stationed there but have found very little information about which regiment they were and what their duties were. If anyone has any relatives who were posted to Wentworth Woodhouse during the Second World War, or knows of anyone who was, I would love to hear from them and would appreciate any information you might be able to give me.

Edited by Jim Quinn
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I'm a local TA reservist and also a History student. I'm just starting out on a project which will focus on Sheffield during the Second World War which I'm also hoping to use as a series of articles for 'Soldier' magazine. I'm particularly looking for any information or stories on Wentworth Woodhouse during that time. I know there were Army, and possibly the RAF, units stationed there but have found very little information about which regiment they were and what their duties were. If anyone has any relatives who were posted to Wentworth Woodhouse during the Second World War, or knows of anyone who was, I would love to hear from them and would appreciate any information you might be able to give me.




Have you read "Black Diamonds"? its a history of the house and the family, there are mentions of wartime and I understand the author is very approachable.

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I'm a local TA reservist and also a History student. I'm just starting out on a project which will focus on Sheffield during the Second World War which I'm also hoping to use as a series of articles for 'Soldier' magazine. I'm particularly looking for any information or stories on Wentworth Woodhouse during that time. I know there were Army, and possibly the RAF, units stationed there but have found very little information about which regiment they were and what their duties were. If anyone has any relatives who were posted to Wentworth Woodhouse during the Second World War, or knows of anyone who was, I would love to hear from them and would appreciate any information you might be able to give me.


"As the War progressed and a greater number of formations required intelligence staffs a HQ and Depot structure was established, with the Officers Wing formed at Oxford University (Pembroke and Oriel Colleges), and other ranks inducted through Winchester. By mid-1942, however, the requirements of the Corps, and the need to surrender facilities to the increasing number of US personnel in southern England meant that the Corps needed a new home. The new HQ Intelligence Corps and Depot was established, incorporating both Officers and Other Ranks, at Wentworth Woodhouse (near Rotherham) Yorkshire."



Some years ago I met a very distinguished looking guy in the USA who asked me where in the Uk I came from? When I told him Sheffield he said that it brought back wonderful memories of being stationed at Wentworth Woodhouse as an intelligence officer in WW11

Edited by Blackbeard
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  • 1 month later...

The Intelligence Corps certainly were at Went Wentworth Woodhouse during WW2, they occupied part of the main house and the Stable Block. a very good article was published in Country Life Magazine "Buildings for Britain" page 77-81 dated 5th May 2005. also if you take a look at the Yorkshire Film Archive web page they have film of the motorcyclists practising around Stable Block and the wider estate.


House Guide

Wentworth Woodhouse

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Hello dlatoby,


Many thanks for that information. I will certaintly have a look for that clip on YFA. I imagine the Country Magazine from May 2005 might be hard to come by now. If by any chance you have a copy of it yourself would it be possible to send me a photocopy, or email me a scan of the pages which cover Wentworth?




Jim Quinn

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The Intelligence Corps certainly were at Went Wentworth Woodhouse during WW2, they occupied part of the main house and the Stable Block. a very good article was published in Country Life Magazine "Buildings for Britain" page 77-81 dated 5th May 2005. also if you take a look at the Yorkshire Film Archive web page they have film of the motorcyclists practising around Stable Block and the wider estate.


House Guide

Wentworth Woodhouse


Never seen that before,brilliant:thumbsup:

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yes we do have a copy of the article and you are more than welcome to come and have a look, but tend to think we cannot copy it as its part of the Country Life Magazine Archive, but would also suggest you could possibly obtain a copy on such sites as Ebay and possibly abebooks.

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  • 9 months later...

My late father was in the intelligence corps and part of his training was at Wentworth Woodhouse. He loved his time there and then was posted to Singapore where he did active service before being involved in the Japanese War Crimes trials until 1949.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just after WW2, open cast mining took place in the park, and the old nissen huts used by the military were taken over for accommodating some of the workers. After the open cast finished, they were occupied by squatters. There is a chap at Rotherham Museum, I can't remember his name but he is the expert on Rockingham Pottery, as was his father before him. He put me in touch with a lady from a local history group and between us we organised a visit by one of the Harrogate NADFAS to the house. I couldn't go because I'd buggered off by then (1988). The museum will be very helpful.

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