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Medical advice please.

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For a few months now I have been having what I know are anxiety attacks, sudden rushes of anxiety, mild nausea and a sensation that my heart isn't beating properly (palpitations), this is against a backdrop of general slight aches and twinges around the chest and arm which is most likely indigestion and/or caused by the way that I lay funny on the cetee whilst on the computer for hours on end.


The anxiety attacks usually come in the middle of the night, waking me up; sometimes they've been so bad I've got up in a bit of a panic, walking round the house on the verge of phoning a paramedic but as I've had paramedics out 3 times in the recent past for this I now refrain from calling them because I know they're anxiety attacks and not a heart attack, which is what you always think when one strikes.


Knowing/thinking that these are merely anxiety attacks I'd just learned to live with it, but in the past few weeks they have become much more frequent, happening at all times of the day and are sometimes more severe than ever before, and in the evenings I'm noticing a slight swelling of my left ankle.

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Knowing what they are is a big step but it doesn't stop them. The risk is increased if you expect one and it's very easy to do. Try and identify when an attack is likely and try to reassure yourself what is happening. It' not easy thing to do once panic sets in and it doesn't always work, but sometimes is better than never.

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No offence but calling 999 for because you're panicked?


What planet do you live on? On Earth paramedics are there for emergencies.


But I guess having your heart pounding away in your chest with associated chest pains could be a life threatening emergency - how would the OP know otherwise?

The OP should make an appointment with his GP (good luck there) for a check up.

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If at any point you feel the need to get your heart checked to stop any worry, you should go to A&E and they will listen to your chest and take an ECG. If there was no waiting around involved this would literally take about 4 minutes.


Judging by the possibility that you may be anxious and panicky, I would recommend that you do this anyway as it will alleviate your worry completely. Now would probably be a good time to go as it may not be too busy.


I am not medically qualified, but I have seen a very similar scenario with someone I am very close to where it turned out to be anxiety which was easily managed afterword.

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