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Automated telephone spam...


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Just had yet another call from one of those pre-recorded phone message companies. I've now registered with the Telephone Preference service in an attempt to stop them, but in the meantime it's really annoying. The worse aspect of these spam phone calls is that you can't hang them up. I put down the phone and went to do 1471 and she (the recorded voice) was still there! Repeated hang ups didn't seem to shake her loose...! Madness... :o


You can register to stop commercial calls here

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Heard about another phone scam yesterday on the radio. They ring your mobile once then hang up.

When you look through your call register when you see missed call you may be tempted to ring back as you don't recognise the number. If you don't realise it's a premium rate line you will get through to someone who will tell you you have won a prize and keep you hanging on the line. All the time you are paying top rates for the call. Beware!

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Originally posted by SilentStatic

Or you're sent a text saying, "Hi it's Katie who you used to know back at school. How're you doing? Give me a ring"

Or a variation thereof.


But I went to a boys school. That would confuse me!

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Originally posted by Rich

*cough* lawbreakers *cough*


As of just before Christmas it was made illegal to spam was it not?


I thought that it was illegal to make unsolicited calls to mobiles and landline phones, this has seemed to stopped on my mobile, but still getting them on the landline phone. Im looking at getting unidentified numbers or callers with numbers witheld blocked from calling my landline.

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Originally posted by mega_monty

I thought that it was illegal to make unsolicited calls to mobiles and landline phones, this has seemed to stopped on my mobile, but still getting them on the landline phone. Im looking at getting unidentified numbers or callers with numbers witheld blocked from calling my landline.


Good way to stop them on your landline, go ex-directory.... stops double glazing salespeople hassling you as well.

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