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Runners Knee pain


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I tore my cruciate ligament in 2007 and had it reconstructed. I often have pain in my knee due to this and arthritis. I have found wearing tuba grip bandage (elasticated) and a good knee support over the top really helps to a point I can still play sports.


hope this helps

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Any other runners on here had this frustrating injury? Pain hat comes on during running, usually on the outside of the knee?


I'm under a physio, but wondered if anyone had any things they could share that got them through/over it?




I've had it too, when training for a marathon which I had to give up. Hope you find a solution, because it's really annoying. Try not to up your mileage too quickly.

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Just out of interest do you "heel strike" when running? After years of frustrating injuries through running (knee and foot mainly) I have changed my running style to what seems to be classed as "minamilist". Wearing either running sandals or vibram five fingers (i haven't managed to tranistion to full barefoot yet) it encourages you to land on the front/ ball of your foot and although it has taken a long time to get used to it and build strength in the right muscles i can honestly say i haven't had any knee pain in over a year.


Just an idea. Hope whatever you do works for you - nothing more frustrating than injuries. :thumbsup:

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Any other runners on here had this frustrating injury? Pain hat comes on during running, usually on the outside of the knee?


I'm under a physio, but wondered if anyone had any things they could share that got them through/over it?



Lay off 4 a bit and try some other trainers
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Sounds very much like ITB to me - its quite a sharp pain which comes on all of a sudden during a run .... its the tendon that runs from the hip to the outside of the knee - when inflamed it can rub across the outside of the knee.

Best thing to do is strengthen quads and glutes..... squats, and lunges etc, and keep the ITB loose - foam rolling, cross training can help too..

Initially rest it though and ice.

I had this for the VLM, and popped pain killers to get me through - def would not recommend this though.


The good thing is that it doesn't do any lasting damage.

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Thanks all, I've had my running style analysed and am in the process of adapting to try and get away from heel striking.


I'm going to try a knee support in conjunction with stretching, currently can start to feel knee aching about 20 minutes into runs :-(


It's only painful whilst running, and pain practically goes as soon as I stop currently! :-(

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