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Wolves (Quinceharmon)


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Does anyone know what has happened to the original members.

Statred of as the Wolves in the local WMC but didn't do much when they changed the name to Quinceharmon when they did the music for "On the Buses" film.

Saw Pete(Peterson performing solo some years ago but what happened to the rest of the lads.

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The Wolves/Quinceharmon as said were the same band, some of Quinceharmon went on to form 'New Jersey Turnpike, which themselves had a following in clubland, Pete wasn't amongst them, he went on to form a duo for a short while, before solo work as Peterson.

in around early 2000's, 3 of the Wolves/Quinceharmon reformed, as 'Reunion', the 3 were Pete, Ross Grant, and the drummer Roger Harrison, there was an obvioius tightness playing wise because of the early formative years of playing together. Reunion sort of dis-banded, Ross I think has retired from singing, Roger sadly passed away a few years ago, a good turnout at his funeral as he was well known in the local music scene, a very good drummer, in the sort of Ringo style really, nothing technoflash but rock solid. Ross had an excellent voice, very powerful, Pete a good guitarist.

The rest,as far as I'm aware, of Quinceharmon, were Bob Holt, Main vocals, again sadly passed on, Ivor Drawmer, the keyboard player, formed Drawmer electronics making studio sound equipment, he's still based locally.

Quinceharmon/The Wolves were a great local band, big local following.

Pete is still on the clubs, he's in a trio called, 'Evolution', with his son and Pip Emmerson, sometimes it's Pete & his son only as 'Pop & Idol', playing mainly 60's & 70's pop & soul, motown type stuff. He still enjoys being on stage too.

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Saw them a number of times down at the Mucky Duck - brilliant band, some of their cover versions were better than the originals - also served them a couple of times when they came into Johnson Electrics, the music shop one Ecclesall Rd, when i worked there for a short time..


Last time I saw Ross Grant was at a party around '77 - I jammed a few chords on the piano there and he sang, forgot what but it made my day to have such a good singer alongside.

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