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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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I cant agree with that, he was trying his best to take us INTO war...whereas as Milliband was sort of saying.."hang on lets not go rushing in"....and after he lost the vote, he was still bigging himself up and laying the law down to Syria, when he had no backing whatsoever..:huh:


No, Millibands actions were cynical, he knew that there were a large number of Tories who would never again support armed intervention under these circumstances.


This due to the fact that after Blair they would never accept the word of a British Prime Minister without indisputable proof and a UN mandate.


Milliband thought he could damage Cameron politically by prevaricating, and he did win the vote.


History will show that though Cameron was wrong to seek to a military mandate his action was honorable, Milliband was prepared to seek to gain political advantage using the corpses of the people of Syria as a political tool.


He, like the rest of this Labour front bench, is without doubt the worst representative of their party ever. With the exception of Blair, a war criminal by any definition, can you think of any other Labour leader who would have acted in such a way?


He is a repulsive, backstabbing political chancer, and the sooner the Labour party are rid of him and the equally vile Balls, the better off we will all be.

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No, Millibands actions were cynical, he knew that there were a large number of Tories who would never again support armed intervention under these circumstances.



maybe he just wanted to try to do the right thing as much as he could in the limited powers he has being the Leader of the Opposition.


even Syria though will be decidely yesterday's news anyway come the election. Which we all know exactly when is going to happen.


Cameron could be regretting his decision to basically outlaw, his power to call a snap one.


but it wouldn't be now. He'll lose if an election was called now.

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maybe he just wanted to try to do the right thing as much as he could in the limited powers he has being the Leader of the Opposition.


even Syria though will be decidely yesterday's news anyway come the election. Which we all know exactly when is going to happen.


Cameron could be regretting his decision to basically outlaw, his power to call a snap one.


but it wouldn't be now. He'll lose if an election was called now.


I think that is very true. But the election isn't now. It is in 2015 and with the economy starting to expand at a rate that has taken the pundits by suprise I would think 2015 would be a pretty handy time to have an election if you were David Cameron.


I note that over the period of the Syrian vote and more importantly the economic recovery the Tories have moved from an 14 point deficit in the polls to being even Steven this morning.




BREAKING: YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Tories and Labour neck and neck, tied on 36% each. UKIP 12%, LD 10%. Lab lost 14 point lead over a year.



I can see a lot of awkward questions being asked of Miliband in the next few months.

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I would think 2015 would be a pretty handy time to have an election if you were David Cameron.


I agree with this but everybody knows the government is only sailing just above the waterline. They have not got, a majority in Parliament, for crying out loud. Disasters can happen.

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I would think 2015 would be a pretty handy time to have an election if you were David Cameron.


I agree with this but everybody knows the government is only sailing just above the waterline. They have not got, a majority in Parliament, for crying out loud. Disasters can happen.


I would think Cameron is feeling pretty confident now the economy is starting to move forward. Of course disasters can happen. Miliband could get knocked down by a train and be replaced by a capable leader. But unless one of his party pushes him off the platform in despair that's long odds indeed.

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maybe he just wanted to try to do the right thing as much as he could in the limited powers he has being the Leader of the Opposition.


even Syria though will be decidely yesterday's news anyway come the election. Which we all know exactly when is going to happen.


Cameron could be regretting his decision to basically outlaw, his power to call a snap one.


but it wouldn't be now. He'll lose if an election was called now.


If Cameron resigned and Mickey Mouse became leader of the Tories he would beat Milliband. He us useless and the public know it.

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And yet Labour are still on course for a 60+ seat majority.

I will give you odds of 100-1 that that will not happen. Not a chance in hell. People just don't trust Labour. They have one thing going for them, benefits. That's it. You can't win an election just with benefits. When you can, that's the country finished. But we aren't there yet.

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I will give you odds of 100-1 that that will not happen. Not a chance in hell. People just don't trust Labour. They have one thing going for them, benefits. That's it. You can't win an election just with benefits. When you can, that's the country finished. But we aren't there yet.


They don't trust the Tories either. You don't win elections by giving tax cuts to millionaires, whilst simultaneously overseeing a proliferation of food bank hand outs.


I know which flawed party gets my vote...

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And yet Labour are still on course for a 60+ seat majority.


Things move on in politics particularly with an economy on the mend and vindication of policy..



BREAKING: YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Tories and Labour neck and neck, tied on 36% each. UKIP 12%, LD 10%.


Lab lost 14 point lead over a year.

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