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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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They don't trust the Tories either. You don't win elections by giving tax cuts to millionaires, whilst simultaneously overseeing a proliferation of food bank hand outs.


I know which flawed party gets my vote...

Aren't food banks a good thing? Better than no food banks, surely?


"Tax cuts to millionaires" is a misnomer. Only the most foaming at the mouth class warriors care about that. Labour abolished the 10p tax rate which affected far more people, almost all of them in Labour's core voter base.

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Things move on in politics particularly with an economy on the mend and vindication of policy..



BREAKING: YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Tories and Labour neck and neck, tied on 36% each. UKIP 12%, LD 10%.


Lab lost 14 point lead over a year.


Not necessarily. Polls have a +/- 3% error. So, an apparent 14% loss could only be an 8% shift. Or, indeed a 20% one, over your stated time frame.


Either way, if you believe opinion polls, you leave yourself vulnerable to ridicule, because they aren't very accurate.


---------- Post added 20-09-2013 at 00:00 ----------


Aren't food banks a good thing? Better than no food banks, surely?


"Tax cuts to millionaires" is a misnomer. Only the most foaming at the mouth class warriors care about that. Labour abolished the 10p tax rate which affected far more people, almost all of them in Labour's core voter base.


The existence of food banks should embarrass every tax dodger in this country. Are we so broken as a society that we can't look after the needy? After all, we are wealthier than we've ever been.


And, the Tories have cut taxes for millionaires. That is true. The word "misnomer" means something completely different. You might wish to look it up on the internet before attempting to use it again.

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We are looking after the needy! Through the use of food banks. And through the benefits system. What is your definition of "looking after the needy"?


When you talk about "we are wealthier than we have ever been", who is "we"?


The Tories have cut taxes for millionaires. You're right. However millionaires are still paying a hell of a lot of tax. Obviously not as much as you'd like them to pay. Like it or not, you can't just run a country by throwing money about and then expecting "the rich" to pay for it all whether they like or not. There has to be accountability and responsibility. "The rich" aren't responsible for every feckless wastrel in this land.

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BREAKING: YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Tories and Labour neck and neck, tied on 36% each. UKIP 12%, LD 10%.


even in the unlikely event it breaks like that on election day, it would still be not much comfort to the Tories. They couldn't even get a majority when they beat Labour, by a whopping 7 points, in 2010.


Labour only need 2 points more than the Tories to get a majority. Whereas the Tories need 8 at least.


no Prime Minister in recent times has ever increased their vote in any subsequent election they have fought. Thatcher, Major, and Blair never did. Just what makes anybody think, that Cameron will be any different, to any of those?

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They don't trust the Tories either. You don't win elections by giving tax cuts to millionaires, whilst simultaneously overseeing a proliferation of food bank hand outs.


I know which flawed party gets my vote...


Or kicking people in the head, families, council tenants, the police, fire service, NHS, teachers et al. Although I do agree the tories will try and buy a few votes with the reintroduction of marriage allowance and tax cuts, as I said they would the other year.

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this is what happens if you put the results of that neck-and-neck poll into the Electoral Calculus website. Tories and Labour neck and neck, tied on 36% each. UKIP 12%, LD 10%.




LAB gain 64 seats but short 4 of majority


LAB 36.00% 322

CON 36.00% 286

LIB 10.00% 15

UKIP 12.00% 0

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even in the unlikely event it breaks like that on election day, it would still be not much comfort to the Tories. They couldn't even get a majority when they beat Labour, by a whopping 7 points, in 2010.


Labour only need 2 points more than the Tories to get a majority. Whereas the Tories need 8 at least.


no Prime Minister in recent times has ever increased their vote in any subsequent election they have fought. Thatcher, Major, and Blair never did. Just what makes anybody think, that Cameron will be any different, to any of those?


Not much comfort for Labour then as they got rather less votes than the Tories. Don't you see the irony in your comment? The desperation of hoping your party can get into power by polling fewer votes than the Tories.

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just ask yourself whether Cameron looks in the mirror at his reflection and thinks he can manage to pull off something that Thatcher, Major, and Blair did not manage - getting more people to vote for him, the second time than they did the first.


my guess is, with Cameron not being it appears to me especially the deluded type, that the answer is no. Which is why the Tories stopped talking about getting a majority months ago.

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