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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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just ask yourself whether Cameron looks in the mirror at his reflection and thinks he can manage to pull off something that Thatcher, Major, and Blair did not manage - getting more people to vote for him, the second time than they did the first.


my guess is, with Cameron not being it appears to me especially the deluded type, that the answer is no. Which is why the Tories stopped talking about getting a majority months ago.


Did they really? If believing that helps get you through the day that's fine. I think the polls are moving in a certain direction and it will be Miliband who joins the list of failed Labour Leaders. Just think the only Labour leader to win an election in almost 40 years is Blair, and he was a public school Tory. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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my guess is, with Cameron not being it appears to me especially the deluded type, that the answer is no. Which is why the Tories stopped talking about getting a majority months ago.


i suspect whoever pulls the PR strings in the conservative party is constantly telling them not to appear too cocky, arrogant or confident


to me, it appears the biggest vote loser for the conservatives among a lot of the undecided is that they can appear smug, aloof and uncaring


i suspect they are not talking about getting a majority because they do not want to appear over confident - as well as not wanting to look stupid if they don't get one

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the Tories have now gone 21 years without winning a General Election. And it just doesn't look like they will win the next one either.


---------- Post added 20-09-2013 at 10:36 ----------


i suspect whoever pulls the PR strings in the conservative party is constantly telling them not to appear too cocky, arrogant or confident



how can they possibly be 'arrogant and confident' when they, together with everyone else, knows that they have to slaughter Labour by eight points to get a majority of only 1 seat in Parliament?


when if Labour poll 8 points more than the Tories in 2015, they will get a majority of over 100?

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the Tories have now gone 21 years without winning a General Election. And it just doesn't look like they will win the next one either.


---------- Post added 20-09-2013 at 10:36 ----------



how can they possibly be 'arrogant and confident'



it's the default setting for conservatives isn't it?


i didn't say they are, i said they were probably being warned not to appear so


reasons why they might be confident? - they're the largest party in the house of commons, most of the economic indicators are moving in the right direction, they aren't doing too badly in the opinion polls compared to most governments at this stage, the last two "new" governments (conservative in 1979 and labour in 1997) were given second terms, they have an unpopular leader of their main opposition party who has his own internal party problems to contend with.


i'm not saying they should be confident, i'm saying that i can see why, in public at least, they could give the impression of being so


edit - they have to encourage their supporters - at their forthcoming conference there is no point saying - if we don't get a commanding lead in the polls we're stuffed - they should, and will, accentuate the positives

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the last two "new" governments (conservative in 1979 and labour in 1997) were given second terms.


but in each of those governments, unlike this one, their initial endorsement was overwhelming, they got large mandates, and neither of them got as many votes when they were re-elected for the second time. Labour can get a majority if they only get 1% of the vote more than the Tories in 2015 see here http://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/cgi-bin/usercode.pl?CON=35&TVCON=&LAB=36&TVLAB=&LIB=13&TVLIB=&UKIP=12&region=All+GB+changed+seats&boundary=2010&seat=--Show+all--&minorparties=Y. It should be obvious to anybody that the whole set up greatly favours them. In fact it should be them that should be trying to avoid looking 'arrogant and confident', not the Tories.

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The Tories would have won an overwhelming majority if the boundries were fair, Labour didn't have a client state of public sector workers and benefit claimants, and there was no postal voting fraud and other skullduggery in Muslim areas.


Fair? You mean changed the boundaries to suit the Tories like they're trying to do?

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