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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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After seeing Ed Miliband on Andrew Marr this morning, it looks like Ed is trying to mimic Cameron's accent and mannerisms so much so that I expect his next major policy will be to rename his party the new conservatives.


Labour have failed to offer a serious alternative for some years now, sometimes I thinks we'd be better off under an evil dictator than any of the current crop of politicians we've got to choose from.


So he is acting like Blair then? because that is who david ripped off to get elected.

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Milliband is a lame duck. He is wasting time try to appeal to people who already vote Labour. He needs to be appealing to working people, not the benefits reliant.


Many working people receive benefits.In addition the Labour vote needs to be mobilised.UKIP pose a threat as they offer a simple message for simple people.

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Many working people receive benefits.In addition the Labour vote needs to be mobilised.UKIP pose a threat as they offer a simple message for simple people.


This from the man who thinks Bernard Matthews was Thatchers press secretary.


---------- Post added 23-09-2013 at 22:47 ----------


Milliband is as dead as a Norwegian blue parrot, He is deceased, a singer in the choir eternal.


Irrelevant, overeducated, brother betraying back stabbing slimeball. A true heir to Blair.


The British public will never vote him in in a million years.


You know it, I know it.


Daves the boy,, Vote Tory.

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Sheffielders deserve what they get. They keep voting Labour, and then moaning about there not being enough jobs and services in the city not being good enough. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.




Exactly ,talk about dumb,when will the penny ever sink:loopy:

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This from the man who thinks Bernard Matthews was Thatchers press secretary.


Milliband is as dead as a Norwegian blue parrot, He is deceased, a singer in the choir eternal.


Irrelevant, overeducated, brother betraying back stabbing slimeball. A true heir to Blair.


This from the man who doesn't know how to spell Miliband.


It was Cameron who styled himself as the heir to Blair and it's Cameron who is just as educated as Miliband. And how can someone be overeducated? I bet no one's ever accused you of that.

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Here's another quote I like:


"Living in a society, instead of on a desert island, does not relieve a man of the responsibility of supporting his own life." - Ayn Rand


Is this the same Ayn Rand who when rich and healthy preached self reliance, loathed altruism, and gave 'intellectual succour' to free marketeers everywhere; but who when old and infirm got Social Security and Medicare?

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"Living in a society, instead of on a desert island, does not relieve a man of the responsibility of supporting his own life." - Ayn Rand


Is this the same Ayn Rand who when rich and healthy preached self reliance, loathed altruism, and gave 'intellectual succour' to free marketeers everywhere; but who when old and infirm got Social Security and Medicare?


That's the thing about tories - At some point in their lives most of them will have benfited from or will require state-funded welfare or education, but when they're lucky enough not to require it, they turn round and say nobody else should be allowed to access it. It's all, "Why should I have to ... ?" blah blah blah

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