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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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I think he's doing a wonderful job :)




I don't think this should be discussed too much, as Labour might change leaders :D Leave him in.


This is true. But it took a while for the effects to make themselves known. There are still plenty of tribal Labour voters from before, but more and more of them are figuring out the truth, and more and more of them are dying off. And at this point, there isn't anyone from the previous era left in the party who can become leader and steer them right. So they're in a bad way, counting on public sector workers (dwindling in number), immigrants (many of whom are really natural conservatives), academics and students and benefit claimants (most of whom don't vote). It doesn't add up to a winning number IMO. Labour badly needs to attract the votes of relatively low paid private sector workers that used to be their core voter base, but their current policies really don't appeal to this demographic. They are too tied up with towing the progressive line because that is the view of most of the people in the party itself.


What can they offer this time? Replace the term 'NMW' with 'living wage' and up it is all I can think of to win any votes from the low earners. Putting more people out of work in the long-run of course, but will win votes in the short term. 'Living wage' is a good term of the left at the moment, so might be a good voter puller. Certainly on this forum.


The Tory's have seen to it that they can't use the argument of taxing the low-earners, by raising the tax threshold to nearly £10k (and rightly so).

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Does Churchill turn you on?

I'm struggling to find a connection regarding him in this topic..

I'm afraid it's my stammer fetish...


---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 01:37 ----------


Chruchill did things. No way would he get elected back in the day.

Apart from being re-elected in the 50's, you mean?

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We need a libertarian party in this country. People are sick of paying oodles of taxes to governments who just pocket or squander most of the money. The national government shouldn't be dealing with anything beyond defending our borders. Let county councils, town councils and local neighbourhood groups run public services. That way people can see with their eyes where they tax pounds are going.

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We need a libertarian party in this country. People are sick of paying oodles of taxes to governments who just pocket or squander most of the money. The national government shouldn't be dealing with anything beyond defending our borders. Let county councils, town councils and local neighbourhood groups run public services. That way people can see with their eyes where they tax pounds are going.


A Tory who's prepared to vote for Clarkson, who is in need of a libertarian party?



See your feet are firmly on the ground.

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Harsh stuff in my opinion.


Milliband hasn't really done that much to damage the Labour Party. The current issue with the unions is a thorny one but needs resolving.


He doesn't come across as a convincing leader but then again, neither did Neil Kinnock.


It's a shame John Smith died so young, had he lived, the Labour Party might have taken a somewhat different path.


Two things have undermined the Labour party over the past 20 years, the rise of a new self-interested political class, one that no longer goes into politics for that quaint, old-fashioned reason, to serve the public.


The second thing that damaged the Labour Party was a singularly unpleasant product of that new class, that mendacious weasel Tony Blair.


I'm no fan of the death penalty but surely that war mongering fraud should end his days hanging upside down from a lamp post with his throat slit from ear to ear? His treasonous blood dripping into the gutter.


The original Quisling was tried and executed, why not his spiritual successor?

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