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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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He talks funny and gonads. Might as well bring back Mr Foot. Labour will never gain power under this fool. Nobody trusts this berk. Labour are ruined.




Labour destroyed itself by doing away with clause 4.


As for Milliband I don't dislike him, he's just not leader material; I don't see him as primeminister.

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This is true. But it took a while for the effects to make themselves known. There are still plenty of tribal Labour voters from before, but more and more of them are figuring out the truth, and more and more of them are dying off. And at this point, there isn't anyone from the previous era left in the party who can become leader and steer them right. So they're in a bad way, counting on public sector workers (dwindling in number), immigrants (many of whom are really natural conservatives), academics and students and benefit claimants (most of whom don't vote). It doesn't add up to a winning number IMO. Labour badly needs to attract the votes of relatively low paid private sector workers that used to be their core voter base, but their current policies really don't appeal to this demographic. They are too tied up with towing the progressive line because that is the view of most of the people in the party itself.


I can't believe this!! I actually agree with you!! :confused::help:


---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 21:43 ----------


Labour destroyed itself by doing away with clause 4.


As for Milliband I don't dislike him, he's just not leader material; I don't see him as primeminister.


He is useless. The general populace know he is weirdo light weight. Labour are finished until a new order come in. It's all rather depressing.

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He talks funny and gonads. Might as well bring back Mr Foot. Labour will never gain power under this fool. Nobody trusts this berk. Labour are ruined.



The thing is....its not the Labour party is it, its just watered down Toryism...we need true Socialist Labour, with true socialist values, where the working man thinks about his fellow man, not just what he can get for himself :help:

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The thing is....its not the Labour party is it, its just watered down Toryism...we need true Socialist Labour, with true socialist values, where the working man thinks about his fellow man, not just what he can get for himself :help:


Would be nice mate. Never going to happen now. Thatcher changed the whole psyche of the country.

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The thing is....its not the Labour party is it, its just watered down Toryism...we need true Socialist Labour, with true socialist values, where the working man thinks about his fellow man, not just what he can get for himself :help:


I think you are right. That's exactly what the Tories want. Shades of Michael Foot all over again.

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The thing is....its not the Labour party is it, its just watered down Toryism...we need true Socialist Labour, with true socialist values, where the working man thinks about his fellow man, not just what he can get for himself :help:


Gerra grip lad, there's more chance of,


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