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Ed Miliband Has Wrecked The Labour Party.

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I don't think Milliband has wrecked Labour, Brown did that job. Problem is Labour can't get elected from their grass roots, majority of people don't recognise the 1970s 'working man' model of socialism some would take them back to and they are struggling to stay relevant. For all the clinging to the progressive label Labour are looking the most reactionary party of them all at the moment and the 2 Eds do them no favours.


I'm not a Labour fan but in reality the unions do them no good in an era where Britain is increasingly looking forward to an age of technical innovation and flexible working. Perhaps is just the ones who shout loudest in the media, but the unions seem so resistant to modernisation and change. We need to be looking to a German model of cooperative industrial relations. Until then, or until the Tories become so bad they are unelectable, Labour has no future.

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I don't think Milliband has wrecked Labour, Brown did that job. Problem is Labour can't get elected from their grass roots, majority of people don't recognise the 1970s 'working man' model of socialism some would take them back to and they are struggling to stay relevant. For all the clinging to the progressive label Labour are looking the most reactionary party of them all at the moment and the 2 Eds do them no favours.


I'm not a Labour fan but in reality the unions do them no good in an era where Britain is increasingly looking forward to an age of technical innovation and flexible working. Perhaps is just the ones who shout loudest in the media, but the unions seem so resistant to modernisation and change. We need to be looking to a German model of cooperative industrial relations. Until then, or until the Tories become so bad they are unelectable, Labour has no future.


Bang on. Ed looks and talks like a student berk. Nobody, including trad Labour voters have no faith in him. He is a updated trendy Mr Foot.

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Bang on. Ed looks and talks like a student berk. Nobody, including trad Labour voters have no faith in him. He is a updated trendy Mr Foot.



Never underestimate the stupidity of the sheeple,they have short memories and no sense so Liebour will probably get back in to begin the wrecking of the economy once again.

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Yes a wasted vote. Tactical voting is going to have to come into it some more now I think. I will vote for the party with the best chance of winning, outside the main 3 parties...


The most fundamental flaw of the FPTP system is that most people don't recognise that you usually need to vote against the candidate you don't want rather than for the one you do.

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I think precisely the opposite. Usually when they lose an election Labour indulge in this orgy of internal party squabbling that goes on for years and scuppers their chances of winning the next one, and surely the smart money immeadiately after the last election was on that happening again same as it usually does but no, that hasn't really happened this time.

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I think precisely the opposite. Usually when they lose an election Labour indulge in this orgy of internal party squabbling that goes on for years and scuppers their chances of winning the next one, and surely the smart money immeadiately after the last election was on that happening again same as it usually does but no, that hasn't really happened this time.


it's a fairly standard response these days by both parties after they have been in government for a number of years


life, and the electorate, move on, but it takes parties a while to realise that - it also takes a while for the new blood to work their way up through the system to get into a position where they can challenge for the leadership


don't forget the conservatives were in opposition for 13 years and Cameron wasn't elected their leader until 2005 - the fourth they had in opposition

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it's a fairly standard response these days by both parties after they have been in government for a number of years


life, and the electorate, move on, but it takes parties a while to realise that - it also takes a while for the new blood to work their way up through the system to get into a position where they can challenge for the leadership


don't forget the conservatives were in opposition for 13 years and Cameron wasn't elected their leader until 2005 - the fourth they had in opposition


Labour election chances diminish with every bit of good news on the economy. They pedalled a line to gain popularity by pretending we didn't need to pay our debts, and that has unravelled.


That's why the good news on the economy is greeted with such distain by the left wing. They want us deep in the mire when the election comes around, and that doesn't look like happening.

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