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Text from BSGPLC

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Has anyone else had a text from this place can't say number as there is no number and you cannot reply to it, this is second time I have received this text

It says: booked this Saturday @ Thai Square Hotels - 7am - 1500 142 Minories EC3N 1LS report to manager Kevin, tube is Tower Hill :confused:


Have done a search for the postcode and Minories and came up with these.




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There is a Thai Square Hotel at 142 Minories, London.


This sounds like a notification of a casual work engagement from an agency. I don't know what to suggest other than perhaps calling the hotel and letting 'Kevin' the manager know they're sending texts to an incorrect number?

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Sounds like spam, just ignore it.


How is it spam, its not selling anything or trying to get the recipient to do anything either.


Its a notification text sent from an agency via a text service. They probably have the wrong number.

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