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Plums in Chatsworth ..

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Went to Chatsworth at the weekend to see the sculpture exhibition (which was mainly disappointing), and afterward, me and O/H decided to stroll through the kitchen garden ... I can safely say that I've never seen so many plums on trees before. So many in fact, that due to the weight, the branches were snapping ... as seen here!


Now, I know it's wrong, but there was no one about (think Dowager with garden gloves on and pointy garden fork), so I tried one or two (several) that were just about to fall off (as many others had and were rotting) ... absolutely delicious!


To be honest, I was surprised that all this fruit seems to be going unharvested ... there are so many that they could easily be packaged and sold at the farm shop, or just given away. This is a mystery to me as I'm always astounded by how well the gardens are kept ... why just let them go to waste? :huh:


Do you think it'd be OK to go there armed with a basket and help yourself? :huh:

(Also quite a lot of grapes, apples, pears, artichokes, marrows and every kind of herb you can shake a stick at!)

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I imagine that the duchess,in later life,is no longer that interested in harvesting a surfeit of plums.I do believe(and I think this is well documented) that,in their younger days,the duchess's sisters liked nothing better than to get their hands on as many different varieties of plums as they could and have probably exhausted any interest that any family member may now have in these abundant and juicy "danglers"

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I imagine that the duchess,in later life,is no longer that interested in harvesting a surfeit of plums.I do believe(and I think this is well documented) that,in their younger days,the duchess's sisters liked nothing better than to get their hands on as many different varieties of plums as they could and have probably exhausted any interest that any family member may now have in these abundant and juicy "danglers"


That sounds disgusting :suspect::hihi:

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I imagine that the duchess,in later life,is no longer that interested in harvesting a surfeit of plums.I do believe(and I think this is well documented) that,in their younger days,the duchess's sisters liked nothing better than to get their hands on as many different varieties of plums as they could and have probably exhausted any interest that any family member may now have in these abundant and juicy "danglers"


There's always one isn't there ... :roll::)

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I'm surprised that they didn't harvest them all and put them in the farm shop. They sell loads of all sorts of their own produce there.


That's what I mean ... they're two quid a punnet in Tesco, there must be thousands of punnets going to waste at Chatsworth. I can assure you the Chatsworth ones are better! :)

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That's what I mean ... they're two quid a punnet in Tesco, there must be thousands of punnets going to waste at Chatsworth. I can assure you the Chatsworth ones are better! :)


Money making opportunity, offer the Duchess 50p for each punnet you collect and sell them for £1.50.:hihi:

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