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Foundation maths


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Last week my son was given a maths exam from 2011 as homework he got it back yesterday it says he got 66% and was told that is only an E grade. So I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if this is correct. I have been trying to get hold of his or any maths teacher at his school today but no one has got back to me yet.

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Last week my son was given a maths exam from 2011 as homework he got it back yesterday it says he got 66% and was told that is only an E grade. So I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if this is correct. I have been trying to get hold of his or any maths teacher at his school today but no one has got back to me yet.


A GCSE Maths Qualification would involve more than one paper.

A student would sit at least 2 and some specifications require 3.


What were the total marks available for the paper that your son did as homework?

How many marks are available for all papers within the qualification?


What, exactly, was written on the marked homework?


Who told you or him what about the grading?


How old is your son?


Essentially there is not enough information here to put your mind at ease, and you need to talk (as your have tried) to his teacher.

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When doing GCSE Maths the selection of Foundation or Higher Papers can limit the maximum possible grade.


The maximum grade when sitting Foundation papers will be a "C".


Hard to say as 66% could be just of that paper, or of total marks available for Foundation or of total marks for the qualification.

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When doing GCSE Maths the selection of Foundation or Higher Papers can limit the maximum possible grade.


The maximum grade when sitting Foundation papers will be a "C".


Hard to say as 66% could be just of that paper, or of total marks available for Foundation or of total marks for the qualification.


You are correct, Maths was the odd one out while I was teaching though. (many moons ago). But as the paper was 2011 I am digressing :-)


"For many years, Maths was an exception, having three tiers: Higher (grades A*–C), Intermediate (grades B–E) and Basic/Foundation (grades D–G). Maths moved to the standard two tier system in 2006 (for the first examination in 2007 or 2008 depending on whether the modular or linear course was taken)"


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