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Complete Newbie here !


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I'm in my late twenties I have zero writing experience absolute no qualifications, my grammar and spelling can sometimes be atrocious but by god have I got tales already in my time on this earth to tell. I can tell you now even at my age I could fill out a book but my opinion is most adults can....


A note from the Author


One thing before we crack on; an apology. You'll only hear it on this page because I've read too many life stories and books where people are constantly tripping over themselves to make up for all the bad things they've done Page after page after page of it, and after a while it just doesn't ring true.

The thing is, you're going to read a lot of bad things over the following pages, and some of it is pretty shocking. The last thing you need to get through is a million and one apologies as well, so you're only reading the one, but its sincere. For the terrible thins I've done and for some of the people I've hurt and let down: I'm sorry.


Paul Merson and his autobiography How not to be a professional footballer.


To be sincere and honest from this 3rd rock from the sun whatever your walk of life gets noticed by the right people. The thing is I've hurt a lot of people but I can times that figure by all the stars in the sky tonight for the times I've made people smile and laugh (even if it is cloudy and tha'r can't see um.)


One day I will write everything down tonight is not the night to start that

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