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Policing EDL at Lane Top


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I've just seen this in The Star:




This is absolutely crazy!!


I could understand the massive police presence for the marches in town where there will be a lot of people shopping, but £800,000 for Sheffield Lane Top where I'm guessing the numbers turning up will be minimal....It's crazy!!!


Is this a case of the police trying to milk the situation with all that lovely overtime?


I'm all for democracy and people's right to protest, but this is getting out of hand.





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I've just seen this in The Star:




This is absolutely crazy!!


I could understand the massive police presence for the marches in town where there will be a lot of people shopping, but £800,000 for Sheffield Lane Top where I'm guessing the numbers turning up will be minimal....It's crazy!!!


Is this a case of the police trying to milk the situation with all that lovely overtime?


I'm all for democracy and people's right to protest, but this is getting out of hand.






I bet you would be the first to scream if there was a riot and the Police lost control. The Chief Constable is paid to make sure that appropriate numbers of Police are available for such demonstrations.


We should support him and his staff in this no - win situation.


On another aspect of this, would any of our Muslim friends explain to me why they need so many Mosques? It seems such a great deal of expense when so much of the Muslim world is in turmoil, surely this money could be better used for refugees, Red Crescent etc.

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I have never read such an article that is made up of lies and deceipt shame on you Claire Lewis (the writer) and south yorkshire police.


1 - we live in a democracy where we all are allowed to protest rightly or wrongly. Who are they to suggest we ban the protest? For the costs - shal we then ban football? nightclubs? state funerals?


2 - the article is designed to blame the EDL for the costs which state £800k, when actually its the police who will be milking the overtime and are looking for an excuse, and it clearly stats it "could cost up to £600k" when in truth it will be alot less!


3 - protests always cost money £800k is not alot compared to the £2 million plus reported outside sheffield town hall for the liberal democrats. How much does it cost to police sheffield city centre at night? football derbys? should we ban football then aswell?


4. The articltle is made for the Protest to look stupid saying the idea of a mosque has been dropped so why are they still protesting? This is not true from what i have herd they are just trying to raise funds first for the mosque.


Claire Lewis should be sacked instantly for this deceiptfull article and i will never buy the Sheffield Star again. When writing an article surely the job of the writer is to stay neutral and give arguments for an against.


Just for the record i am neither for or against this protest but discusted that The Sheffield Star are tying to pull the wool over peoples eyes!!:rant::rant:


I've just seen this in The Star:




This is absolutely crazy!!


I could understand the massive police presence for the marches in town where there will be a lot of people shopping, but £800,000 for Sheffield Lane Top where I'm guessing the numbers turning up will be minimal....It's crazy!!!


Is this a case of the police trying to milk the situation with all that lovely overtime?


I'm all for democracy and people's right to protest, but this is getting out of hand.





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Hi all. Some of you might have heard about the EDL's plans to protest on Saturday 21st against a rumoured plan to turn the Pheasant pub on Barnsley Road into a mosque. This story was proved not to be true, but they intend to march anyway.


As you'll have read on the Star link on the other SF thread, the EDL demo is going to cost Sheffield police a lot of money that would be better spent elsewhere in difficult times; much more importantly, it's also a threat to the local community, because the EDL is a racist organisation whose members have a history of criminal convictions for violent behaviour, including a lot of racially-aggravated crimes.


Having two big EDL demonstrations in a year in our city paints a picture of Sheffield nationally that is just false. Most of the EDL demonstrators will be coming from elsewhere in the country, looking to cause trouble rather than to make legitimate political points. They're not against Islamic extremism; they spread hatred against all Muslims, and minorities in general.


So - I thought people here might be interested in details about a counter-demonstration on the day. This is more of an announcement, but I can try to help with any questions. We will be meeting on Saturday at 1 outside the First Start Building in Firth Park, bring banners and loud voices.


Facebook event with further info


Twitter account to follow for updates on the day.


It's really important that we demonstrate together to show that the EDL and their divisive, violent beliefs aren't welcome in Sheffield, so I hope people from the forums will come to the counter-demo.

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Isn't this counter demostration stuff the real reason why the police have to be out in force? You're just wanting a ruck, both sides.


If you're worried about the money it's going to cost, just don't turn up, get everyone to stay off the street and ignore them, job done!


If there's no one taking any notice of them, there's no point in them marching. You're just playing into their hands, imo.

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