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Policing EDL at Lane Top


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Are all these "new users" the same person? Or is there a link to this thread on some EDL message board & all the people there who can type have joined in.

your guess is as good as mine they are either all the same islamophobic troll OR and i do know the far right do have a tendancy to use the internet to peddle their bile so.............

and they do share "targets" on places like stormfront, redwatch and i presume their own facebook and twitter accounts these days


could be either

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i really doubt theres many muslim extremists there then? which is supposedly the target of their demonstrations?


i mean, i use to protest about Boots in the 80s and it was held, yup, outside BOOTS lol, Greenham common protests were outside Greenham common

why dont they actually use their anger and target the people they supposedly are against? rather than the whole community?


Blimey Mel, you're a confused one. First you say they're targeting Muslim communities and you say they shouldn't, then you say they should.


Can you name one area in Sheffield (*jokes aside) where you think it would be alright for the EDL to protest.


*just before someone say's down a mine shaft or at Blackburn Meadows.

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there are extremists in all religions, they are shunned by the masses. what they are doing here is pulling us all into their twisted doctrines. lets not become like them twisted and evil lets not give them a platform to spew their filth if we do we are losing, evil only begets evil so let them wipe each other out, so we and our loved ones can live in peace. god bless


True. Get yourself away from the EDL sharpish.

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Blimey Mel, you're a confused one. First you say they're targeting Muslim communities and you say they shouldn't, then you say they should.


Can you name one area in Sheffield (*jokes aside) where you think it would be alright for the EDL to protest.


*just before someone say's down a mine shaft or at Blackburn Meadows.


i said the correct target, theres a difference, read what i wrote instead of trying to twist what i wrote


target the extremists NOT innocent communities


unless its all lies what they preach and its islam in general they hate and protesting against?

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2 - the article is designed to blame the EDL for the costs which state £800k, when actually its the police who will be milking the overtime and are looking for an excuse


The police are looking for an excuse? They're not the ones holding a rally over a empty building because of the merest suggestion that Muslims might want to use it.

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You've not read the whole thread or misunderstood. I'm not saying anything of the sort.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 19:41 ----------



That's a fascist ideology. Kill people who don't agree with you.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 19:44 ----------



Would it be okay for them to protest in none Muslim areas? Sheffield Lane Top, I live near there BTW. Is hardly a Muslim area.


I cant see the word kill anywhere? what it does say is they should be outlawed and go underground where they wont have a political platform to help them. however your post clearly says muslims haven't attacked the mosque because the church have helped them? implying that maybe they would if the aforementioned hadn't or indeed did happen at all? any proof of this?

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I have a suggestion for the UAF and various other people upset by the EDL this weekend....


Point and Laugh.


Don't bring banners, don't shout, don't make a bit fuss. Line the route. point and laugh.


They are protesting (allegedly) about something which isn't going to happen, so are a laughing stock. Simply point this out and make sure any press or other video coverage have a background of laughter.

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Are all these "new users" the same person? Or is there a link to this thread on some EDL message board & all the people there who can type have joined in.


Possibly. But on a serious note there does seem to be a change in attitudes occurring. Before, being associated with some party like the BNP would bring shame and you'd only get nutty right wingers at demos.


The EDL is different, where I live they do have a great deal of support. People don't hang a flag out of their windows, but there is support there.


I think a lot of the people in politics and other professions spend most of their time in a different world to ordinary people.


The EDL will bring about change I predict.


There will be other terrorist atrocities and that will ensure they will continue to grow.


Instead of throwing brick bats that don't do anything... the concerns of ordinary people should be listened to.


From today...




Two British men were being questioned tonight on suspicion of plotting terrorism abroad after they were arrested entering the UK.


The pair, aged 22 and 29 and understood to be of Pakistani heritage, were detained at Dover after arriving from Calais.




Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/two-british-men-arrested-dover-2281402#ixzz2fGynMNFa

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edl are terrorists, if the dictionary interpretation is to be believed, a group of persons or a collective who pro actively cause others to fear or live in fear of them. so edl supporters are supporting terrorists. because they fit the interpretation perfectly. to be a terrorist does not mean you need a weapon or indeed even a beard.

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Possibly. But on a serious note there does seem to be a change in attitudes occurring. Before, being associated with some party like the BNP would bring shame and you'd only get nutty right wingers at demos.


The EDL is different, where I live they do have a great deal of support. People don't hang a flag out of their windows, but there is support there.


I think a lot of the people in politics and other professions spend most of their time in a different world to ordinary people.


The EDL will bring about change I predict.


There will be other terrorist atrocities and that will ensure they will continue to grow.


Instead of throwing brick bats that don't do anything... the concerns of ordinary people should be listened to.


From today...




Two British men were being questioned tonight on suspicion of plotting terrorism abroad after they were arrested entering the UK.


The pair, aged 22 and 29 and understood to be of Pakistani heritage, were detained at Dover after arriving from Calais.




Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/two-british-men-arrested-dover-2281402#ixzz2fGynMNFa

Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook


The EDL is different, but still utterly rubbish.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 20:16 ----------


But on a serious note there does seem to be a change in attitudes occurring.


Yes - people are realising that a bunch of drunken halfwits protesting about something that isn't happening are utterly stupid.

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