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Policing EDL at Lane Top


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Really ? .......... Do a bit of quick research and you will find many UAF protesters have been arrested at these demos for violence and breach of the peace . The EDL are racist morons , but please dont try and make out the morons from the UAF are innocent by- standers.


If the EDL weren't there making their idiotic rabble rousing drunken protest against something that isn't happening UAF could stay at home.

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We live in a so called democracy so the EDL have every right to protest,as for the UAF,well they are simplly state sponserd and union sponserd thugs,mind you Davis Cameron is also a supporter of the UAF so just goes to show how the liberals have infiltrated every aspect of British life,mores the pity.


No-ones denying that, we just reserve the right to point at them and laugh at their rank stupidity.

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NOBODY has defended the UAF, as usual the EDL supporting fanatics of the forum seem more fixated with the UAF in EDL threads than the EDL

i think the point is..........if the EDL didnt exist, thered be no UAF to get violent, their whole being was created in response to the violent hateful antics of the EDL, fight fire with fire springs to mind


Why was the Uaf formed in 2003 and the edl 6 years later in 2009 then ?

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If EDL are thick enough to protest against a mosque that never is, was or will be, will UAF be guilty of being equally thick for counter protesting a protest of non-existant mosque plans?


Maybe we could start a rumour that the world's biggest mosque is planned to be built somewhere like the Falklands, let them all pee off over there.

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Rather ironic eh Halibut ever heard of skeletons in your closet you may know all about that, UAF loon stereotyping EDL rather amusing if I may say so considering the UAF are the Fascist left wing morons who set out to c

Provoke the EDL and cause violence 286 out 300 arrests at Tower Hamlets were tree hugging UAF what a surprise.


Na'then. I hug trees, and stones :hihi: but i don't support any of these nutters ! :D

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