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Policing EDL at Lane Top


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Its an odd one this one.


Lets say Sheffield Wednesday deided to erect a statue to David Hurst on Bramall Lane, then if United Fans decided to protest, then it probably wouldn't cause that much trouble,


A bit of swearing by a few Utd fans for a couple of hours, everyone goes home happy.


But then if 500 Sheffield Wednesday fans also turn up for a counter protest, then clearly this is a recipe for a riot. 1000 footy fans from opposing sides protesting about a statue, its not rocket science as to what will happen.


So if the EDL have a protest, then I can't see where the problem is. If a load of UAF come over then thers going to be trouble and thats why the police are needed to prevent a riot.


Take the UAF out of the equation and theres no need for the police.


Looking at the last protest in Sheffield wasn't it the UAf chanting death threats? check it out on Youtube

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The only time there is any real trouble at EDL marches/walks is when the UAF turn up these left wing loons are a disgrace they try to claim the moral high ground against the EDL calling them Violent yet every march it is infact the UAF that kick up a fuss and cause trouble.


Take Tower Hamlets for instance around 300 arrests at this march 286 arrested were from the UAF Antifa and the counter protest side just 14 from the EDL side.


The media have a biased left wing agenda they like to portray the EDL as violent racist thugs which is simply not the case.

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I always find it strange that when something like this happens suddenly there is enough police, however report a crime and it takes two days for the police to come to see you. shaun wright (police commissioner) is moaning about the cost and rightly so, however if we can police this protest, then why cant we police our streets, our neighbourhoods and our communities sufficiently on a daily basis, surely we can find the money for that.

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This would be an altogether nicer idea, but I don't think that the EDL are very interested in discussion :(


That isn't the case at all the EDL have had various discussions with the Police and liaise with them the best they can to try & prevent the risk of disorder breaking out because everywhere the EDL go the UAF follow and try to cause trouble.

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Dhs1 - the reason for anonymity is because far right groups do tend to beat up people that disagree with them. I don't want a scrap with anyone, I just want to have a reasoned debate, hence anonymity. The fact that I feel obliged to do this rather supports what I've been saying doesn't it?


Strongsteve, your examples aren't equivalent to this scenario. The EDL don't just turn up, do some chants, then go home. They terrify, racially abuse and probably assault people.

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why dont they both get together and march on page hall and get the streets back off those slovak romas...who are turning the area into a hell hole...like they do everywhere they reside...




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If anyone does go to the demonstrations they will be taking part in a new facial recognition program with known suspects being identified in minutes and targeted. Everyone will be added to the database and will be checked against other demonstrations. You will find out this will come back on you one day.

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The UAF and EDL are both as bad as each other.


Mindless idiots only out for trouble.



That is simply untrue the only time you have an outbreak of disorder at an EDL march is when the UAF are present.


Take the day the EDL did a day of national walks all over the country the only places there was trouble was the places that the UAF showed up at, it's these left wing tree hugging loons that cause all of the problems, the Police know it i know it and everyone else should too.

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