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Policing EDL at Lane Top


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Its an odd one this one.


Lets say Sheffield Wednesday deided to erect a statue to David Hurst on Bramall Lane, then if United Fans decided to protest, then it probably wouldn't cause that much trouble,


A bit of swearing by a few Utd fans for a couple of hours, everyone goes home happy.


But then if 500 Sheffield Wednesday fans also turn up for a counter protest, then clearly this is a recipe for a riot. 1000 footy fans from opposing sides protesting about a statue, its not rocket science as to what will happen.


So if the EDL have a protest, then I can't see where the problem is. If a load of UAF come over then thers going to be trouble and thats why the police are needed to prevent a riot.


Take the UAF out of the equation and theres no need for the police.


Looking at the last protest in Sheffield wasn't it the UAf chanting death threats? check it out on Youtube


Common sense at last. Although, as I understand it, bacon is forever present at the lane, unlike a Mosque.

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If anyone does go to the demonstrations they will be taking part in a new facial recognition program with known suspects being identified in minutes and targeted. Everyone will be added to the database and will be checked against other demonstrations. You will find out this will come back on you one day.



Any EDL protester covering their faces will be told to remove them by SYP OR forced to remove

DARE THEY DO THAT TO THE OTHER LOT just a thought:rolleyes:

FAIR PLAY FOR ALL I THINK NOT:rant::rant::rant:

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Its an odd one this one.


Lets say Sheffield Wednesday deided to erect a statue to David Hurst on Bramall Lane, then if United Fans decided to protest, then it probably wouldn't cause that much trouble,


A bit of swearing by a few Utd fans for a couple of hours, everyone goes home happy.


But then if 500 Sheffield Wednesday fans also turn up for a counter protest, then clearly this is a recipe for a riot. 1000 footy fans from opposing sides protesting about a statue, its not rocket science as to what will happen.


So if the EDL have a protest, then I can't see where the problem is. If a load of UAF come over then thers going to be trouble and thats why the police are needed to prevent a riot.


Take the UAF out of the equation and theres no need for the police.


Looking at the last protest in Sheffield wasn't it the UAf chanting death threats? check it out on Youtube



Common sense at last well said :) the UAF Chanted if it wasn't for the coppers you would be dead it is there clearly on video on Youtube as you say as is the video of UAF supporters ripping up flowers for Lee Rigby.


Not only that the UAF & MDL were fighting with police long after the EDL had left town after the second walk, the fact of the matter is if the UAF had not acted in such a disgraceful and disrespectful way the first time by blocking the war memorial there would have been no need for a second walk and a much bigger turn out and cost to the public purse.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 10:44 ----------



Any EDL protester covering their faces will be told to remove them by SYP OR forced to remove

DARE THEY DO THAT TO THE OTHER LOT just a thought:rolleyes:

FAIR PLAY FOR ALL I THINK NOT:rant::rant::rant:


Burkhas and Niqabs should be banned IMO for the pure fact they are intimidating, would you or i be allowed to walk through the streets ina balaclava? or would you and i be allowed to walk through meadowhall in a balaclava? no we wouldn't we would more than likely be thrown out and the police called.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 10:46 ----------


Dhs1 - the reason for anonymity is because far right groups do tend to beat up people that disagree with them. I don't want a scrap with anyone, I just want to have a reasoned debate, hence anonymity. The fact that I feel obliged to do this rather supports what I've been saying doesn't it?


Strongsteve, your examples aren't equivalent to this scenario. The EDL don't just turn up, do some chants, then go home. They terrify, racially abuse and probably assault people.



Was anyone terrified racially abused or assaulted the last time the EDL were in Sheffield? no there wasn't no one was arrested for any accusations that you have made.


The UAF on the other hand had arrests for violent disorder.

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The protest is about anymore mosques being built.


Well according to what is flying around FB


To be honest Bruno I don't think the EDL are fastidious regards the detail.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 11:58 ----------


Lets say Sheffield Wednesday deided to erect a statue to David Hurst on Bramall Lane, then if United Fans decided to protest, then it probably wouldn't cause that much trouble,


A bit of swearing by a few Utd fans for a couple of hours, everyone goes home happy.


But then if 500 Sheffield Wednesday fans also turn up for a counter protest, then clearly this is a recipe for a riot. 1000 footy fans from opposing sides protesting about a statue, its not rocket science as to what will happen.


I think the problem arises when 500 Wednesday fans (with form) accompany said statue to celebrate David Hurst's erection.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 11:59 ----------



Any EDL protester covering their faces will be told to remove them by SYP OR forced to remove

DARE THEY DO THAT TO THE OTHER LOT just a thought:rolleyes:

FAIR PLAY FOR ALL I THINK NOT:rant::rant::rant:


What make the UAF remove their burkas?


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 12:01 ----------


That is simply untrue the only time you have an outbreak of disorder at an EDL march is when the UAF are present.


Take the day the EDL did a day of national walks all over the country the only places there was trouble was the places that the UAF showed up at, it's these left wing tree hugging loons that cause all of the problems, the Police know it i know it and everyone else should too.


So the EDL have never taken it upon themselves to cause trouble? It might not be well covered on their or the Stormfront website but it's something they're very much associated with (as are the UAF).


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 12:03 ----------


@ Boy Friday - thanks for reading the argument and giving a considered reply. I'm unrepentant though.


The balance of probability suggests that a violent organization who have repeatedly behaved violently will continue to do so in the future - not a philosophical certainty, but its irresponsible not to act. Leaving things to the SYP is no guarantee of the community's safety when a mobile group of thugs is running amok; counter demos are a necessary means of highlighting the significance of events to the broader local and national communities. Finally, the protest is not a unilaterally decided bun fight - it comes in a context in which local groups have been seeking to raise awareness of the extreme right and have found strong support among communities, which will hopefully be reflected in numbers on the demo.


I've no problem with peaceful protest at all, either from the EDL or UAF, but history tells us that when they come together there's trouble and innocent bystanders are often caught in the crossfire.


If you go stay safe, keep smiling and walk away if it starts getting lary!


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 12:07 ----------


Its the building of these that stirs up trouble by trying to convert/build in areas where they are not required and the fact that they may have even thought of doing so:suspect:


Now this is the kind of view I never understand.


The building which was subject to all the speculation was an unused pub, closed down presumably because people in your area didn't use it. If there was no call for a mosque then Muslims wouldn't waste their money creating one. As far as I know anyone can visit a mosque, you're not excluded and more importantly attendance isn't obligatory..so what's the problem?

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I can't stand what the EDL stand for, but they have a right to a peaceful protest. The UAF's presence does nothing but guarantee violence.

I firmly believe you counter protesters are 100% in the wrong here.


Can't fault your post but do the EDL have any right to protest when the thing they're protesting about doesn't even exist?

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The other 'mob' represents pretty much everyone else in Britain with a general sense of religious tolerance and openness, so, they probably are quite open to talking


No , the "other mob" , the UAF are no better than the right wing racists from the EDL . The UAF bang on about tolerance , yet want to gag the EDL and deny them their right to protest . So the UAF are no better than the EDL , they just protest from the Left.

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Ok, I have some meetings for work now and am going to have to disappear. I'll be back later and am happy to answer any genuine questions about the protest, or about related things.


I know most people don't agree with the attitudes and ideas of the EDL, in spite of the pretty horrible stuff I see in the comments on the Star and in a few places on here, so it would be good if we could show this on Saturday. Hope you all have a good day.


Yes, the majority of people do not agree with the attitudes and ideas of the EDL. They show this lack of agreement by ignoring them. They do not see the need to up the ante by counterdemonstrating, as they realise that such action only makes matters worse.

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