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Policing EDL at Lane Top


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It is easy for some to say that we should ‘ignore them and maybe they will go away’ – especially those who are not members of the communities that the EDL victimize. I’d like to make a couple of comments in favour of opposing them on Saturday.


Left to their own devices the EDL will violently run amok in a ethnically diverse neighborhood. This has been proven time and time again. Assaults occurred in Sheffield during their recent activities despite heavy police presence. Imagine what they would do if there was none to oppose them? The aim of the anti-EDL protesters is not to have a fight. It is to prompt the police into containing the EDL, preventing them from their typical acts of violence.


On a more general point, the idea that ignoring the extreme right makes it go away is just wishful thinking – recall Europe earlier in the 20th century, where the liberal establishments in many countries took a similar view before they were overthrown. Ignoring the extreme right allows it to normalise its presence and become more acceptable to those whose interests it claims to represent, growing in strength and numbers. Opposing them in large numbers prevents EDL demos from becoming part of the normal fabric of UK politics.


Not opposing the extreme right will cause harm in the short and long term. We need to unite as a community and oppose them now. It is they who have created the scenario in which policing money is being wasted; we have no choice but to respond.



The left wing nutters from the UAF give the right wing racists at the EDL more free publicity than they would ever receive if everyone just ignored their protests and took no notice of them . The EDL are looking for a reaction , they are looking for people to rise to their bait , it gives them media exposure for their warped cause, and the idiots from the UAF play right into their hands.

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Its the building of these that stirs up trouble by trying to convert/build in areas where they are not required and the fact that they may have even thought of doing so:suspect:


Did NOTHING to help community tension the area


Do the EDL want to ban freedom of thought too?


Why will the EDL be protesting? Would they prefer the pub to remain a derelict shell?


Can't wait for the EDL MARCH. COME ON LADS DO US PROUD!!


I appreciate that Tommy Robinson / Stepen Yaxley-Lennon is a shandy-drinking southern git with a criminal record who would be completely out of his depth in a puddle, but if he'd prefer the North of England to remain derelict, then I really do not think he has the best interests of your community at heart.

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This is a really interesting debate. I can understand the anxieties that many people have about a counter demonstration being perceived as a catalyst for violence, but groups like the EDL should not be allowed to roam in our streets without any physical objection from the people of Sheffield.


Groups like the EDL thrive from intimidating people in their own neighbourhoods, and this is why it is extremely important to have a physical presence in those streets in order to show that their beliefs are unacceptable and certainly not held by the majority of people in our city. A counter demonstration is not designed to cause a fight but instead to show unity among local people, so they they think again before coming back to intimidate people further.


It is worrying that so many people on here seem to have sympathies with the EDL, I really encourage you to do some more research. Looking at the number of people on either 'side' who have been arrested is really too simplistic. It is through this kind of ignorance that racial hatred can grow.

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Do the EDL want to ban freedom of thought too?


Why will the EDL be protesting? Would they prefer the pub to remain a derelict shell?




I appreciate that Tommy Robinson / Stepen Yaxley-Lennon is a shandy-drinking southern git with a criminal record who would be completely out of his depth in a puddle, but if he'd prefer the North of England to remain derelict, then I really do not think he has the best interests of your community at heart.


I appreciate what your saying, but the idea of building a Mosque in a none Muslim area, opposite a Catholic school was ill conceived. Would a synagog be welcome in Tinsley or Darnal. I doubt it. There would be some objections.


The Mosque plan at Lane Top was hardly in the best interests of community cohesion and those people who initiated the scheme must have know that.


I don't really see any problem with people protesting they don't want Islam in the country. That's their wish, so long as they can come up with some examples of why not.


In my opinion the spread of Islam is to the detriment of the country. I also feel that Islam, not only has no place in the country, but no place in this century.


I have concentrated on Islam, but I have the same opinion on any other religion that is intent on spreading. They're all as mad as a box of frogs.

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A counter demonstration is not designed to cause a fight but instead to show unity among local people, so they they think again before coming back to intimidate people further.


On paper, yes. But we know that doesn't happen.


The EDL won't encounter Muslim locals from Lane Top, just the UAF.

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I appreciate what your saying, but the idea of building a Mosque in a none Muslim area, opposite a Catholic school was ill conceived. Would a synagog be welcome in Tinsley or Darnal. I doubt it. There would be some objections.


The Mosque plan at Lane Top was hardly in the best interests of community cohesion and those people who initiated the scheme must have know that.


Thanks for your reply, but the Mosque isn't going to be built anyway.


There's no need for any shandy-drinking southerners to come up to Sheffield now.


What more do the EDL want? Will the EDL declare the non-building of the Mosque this another 'great victory' on their Facebook page?

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