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4 Mimes/The Discoes from Sheffield clubland


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the comment was not about how they run an agency but if they were a good club act.to say they were crap and all the other comments is rubbish.maybe it is just sour grapes on your part.if you were not happy with how you were treated by them why did you not change agencies?
Well I think you'll see where I said for a short time. Regarding how good as an act as some of the more discerning have said; not up to much if you are discerning.
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what a right snob,when the working club scene was in its prime after a week of dust heat and sweat in the works,all you wanted was a good pint and a bit of light relief.this was what the club scene was all about and if anybody was willing to perform at these places in front of those crowds good luck to them.maybe you should have gone to the bally or opera.

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what a right snob,when the working club scene was in its prime after a week of dust heat and sweat in the works,all you wanted was a good pint and a bit of light relief.this was what the club scene was all about and if anybody was willing to perform at these places in front of those crowds good luck to them.maybe you should have gone to the bally or opera.
Not a snob at all, the Sheffield WMC club scene was great until the agents like CeeBee moved in.

In the old days concerts secs were paid expenses and went round the clubs looking at acts, what happened when the agents moved in was that they would give concert secs back handers for 6 months work at their club, one of the last straight concert secs was Geoff Clayton at Walkley WMC who booked acts himself and used agents when he chose to.


PS. After attending Music College in London I did go on to play the Classics Ballet Opera etc but still carried on in the WMC scene as well

Edited by Binhead2
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The one with ginger hair who did Bridget the Midget sadly died a few years ago, the other along with someone else two run the Cee Bee club act booking agency.You certaintley had to arrive early to get a seat in the club when they was on.


the lad that did Bridgett was Rex Bacon the silly big one he's still alive and well although he had a stroke a few years ago, I believe he lived near the Bellhouse club long ago, and yes u did have to be in early for these guys

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  • 2 years later...
The Four Mimes became The Disco's


I,ve seen them many times since the 60s and by chance saw them on their final week before they packed in about 5yrs ago I think.It was at Far Grange holiday park Skipsea,I had a word with the big one that acts daft about what happened to the ginger haired fourth member,he said that he had sadly died of cancer thus turning them into the Discos.They were a very funny act always going down well with every audience they played too but all good things come to an end sometime!.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I,ve seen them many times since the 60s and by chance saw them on their final week before they packed in about 5yrs ago I think.It was at Far Grange holiday park Skipsea,I had a word with the big one that acts daft about what happened to the ginger haired fourth member,he said that he had sadly died of cancer thus turning them into the Discos.They were a very funny act always going down well with every audience they played too but all good things come to an end sometime!.:thumbsup::thumbsup:


I worked as a 'sparky' with Roger, the gingered haired member, he was just as funny to work with as when he was on stage.

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I think there's an element of rose tinted spex going on here. I remember being taken to see them at some WMC or other in the 70s and being told how brilliant and what a class act they were. I have to say, they were pretty naff, even for the time. They just mimed to records. wore silly wigs and ran around a lot on stage, didn't they?


I know this is an old thread, but Ruby I can't believe you said that about the Three Disco's :o At one time we used to come home every year to Sheffield, first thing we did was look in the OC's to see what club the Disco's were on. We watched them in the 70s and maybe early 80s, they were still good then too. The big one I had a bit of a crush on I think, remember when he did Elvis, during the song, when it was just music, he'd run round the club and just time it so he was back on stage for the singing part. :hihi: Their lip syncing was spot on. :thumbsup: The little red haired one did Bing Crosby proud I think. :thumbsup:

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