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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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How many?


Anything other than your anecdotal evidence?


What a stupid question, even the government with all their data collecting abilities and benefits fraud officers don't know how many. But if I know some, and Joe blogs down the road knows some, and Betty in the next town knows some, you can extrapolate that its a few.


This one clearly made a life style choice to fiddle the system.


Mark Ashman: Incapacity benefit cheat was filmed in the boxing ring

17 Aug 2013 00:00


The 51-year-old said he had crippling arthritis but investigators filmed him sparring in the ring.


For everyone they catch there will be more they don't catch.


Then there this.



More than a third of people going through incapacity benefit reassessment have been found to be capable of some form of work, new figures published today show.


Of the 139,200 people reassessed between December 2011 and February 2012, 36% were found fit for work and will get help to move into employment through Jobcentre Plus and the Work Programme.


I have no doubt that some will have been assessed inaccurately, I also have no doubt that some just made a life style choice to swing the lead and have now been found out.

Edited by angos
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What a stupid question, even the government with all their data collecting abilities and benefits fraud officers don't know how many. But if I know some, and Joe blogs down the road knows some, and Betty in the next town knows some, you can extrapolate that its a few.


This one clearly made a life style choice to fiddle the system.


Mark Ashman: Incapacity benefit cheat was filmed in the boxing ring

17 Aug 2013 00:00


The 51-year-old said he had crippling arthritis but investigators filmed him sparring in the ring.


For everyone they catch there will be more they don't catch.


Benefit fraud whilst not on, the bigger problem is tax avoidance. The papers are full of it today as to why ministers have failed to clamp down on tax dodging.

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Benefit fraud whilst not on, the bigger problem is tax avoidance. The papers are full of it today as to why ministers have failed to clamp down on tax dodging.


I look at it a different way.


Someone taking money they didn't earn and don't deserve, is far worse than someone trying to keep what they earned away from those people that will just squander it.

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Very vague and non-specific. Rumour and hearsay from teachers that didn't like boy Farage or his views, reported second hand by a teacher that was "not acquainted" with him.


Very coincidental they just found this letter on the eve of UKIP conference, or should we say timed to muddy the water by people on the opposite of the political spectrum.


I wonder how much of a hand Conservative Central Office had in this :suspect:


---------- Post added 20-09-2013 at 08:03 ----------


It's just my opinion. Anyone else watching Question Time now?


I watched it. How awful was the shrill woman from New Statesman?

It's funny, in an effort to appear so non-racist and inclusive, they end up being racist. According to her "it is racist for any white person to tell any muslim what they may or may not wear". So perfectly alright for blacks, Asians, Muslims etc to all have an opinion, and that's ignoring the fact that some muslim are white. In her world though, only the white person is excluded from the debate.

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What a stupid question, even the government with all their data collecting abilities and benefits fraud officers don't know how many. But if I know some, and Joe blogs down the road knows some, and Betty in the next town knows some, you can extrapolate that its a few.


This one clearly made a life style choice to fiddle the system.


Mark Ashman: Incapacity benefit cheat was filmed in the boxing ring

17 Aug 2013 00:00


The 51-year-old said he had crippling arthritis but investigators filmed him sparring in the ring.


For everyone they catch there will be more they don't catch.


Then there this.



More than a third of people going through incapacity benefit reassessment have been found to be capable of some form of work, new figures published today show.


Of the 139,200 people reassessed between December 2011 and February 2012, 36% were found fit for work and will get help to move into employment through Jobcentre Plus and the Work Programme.


I have no doubt that some will have been assessed inaccurately, I also have no doubt that some just made a life style choice to swing the lead and have now been found out.


You're making that childish argument again, picking specific cases to make generalisations.


As for the Atos assessments as support for your argument forget it. They are so flawed. Vast numbers assessed inaccurately against a rigid not for purpose checklist.

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You're making that childish argument again, picking specific cases to make generalisations.


As for the Atos assessments as support for your argument forget it. They are so flawed. Vast numbers assessed inaccurately against a rigid not for purpose checklist.


There's nothing childish about pointing out that you was wrong and that people do make a life styles choice to claim benefits by pretending to be disabled.


I gave you anecdotal evidence that you was wrong.


I gave you an example and actual evidence of one person that made the life style choice to claim benefits. Which again demonstrates you was wrong.


And the government department responsible for claimants also says you was wrong.


My guess is no matter how much evidence is presented to you, you will still dream that you are right and try to insult anyone that claims you are incorrect.


So I will leave you with your delusion.

Edited by angos
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There's nothing childish about pointing out that you was wrong and that people do make a life style choice to pretend to be disabled in order to claim benefits.


I gave you anecdotal evidence that you was wrong.


I gave you an example of actual evidence of one person that made the life style choice to claim benefits. Which again demonstrates you was wrong.


And the government department responsible for claimants also says you was wrong.


My guess is no matter how much evidence is presented to you, you will still dream that you are right and try to insult anyone that claims you are incorrect.


So I will leave you with your delusion.


You are simply exhibiting a common right wing trait of making generalisations based on small amounts of evidence, using simplistic binary arguments.


I'm not saying some people don't defraud the system. Clearly they do. Fraud is detected and punished. I'm questioning the extent of it. And in understanding the extent of it we can determine whether your concerns are valid.


I don't see any evidence of widespread fraud. You can't use the Atos WCA as evidence because that is not looking for fraud, it's a reassessment based on a simplistic checklist following a significant move of the goalposts.

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You are simply exhibiting a common right wing trait of making generalisations based on small amounts of evidence, using simplistic binary arguments.


I'm not saying some people don't defraud the system. Clearly they do. Fraud is detected and punished. I'm questioning the extent of it. And in understanding the extent of it we can determine whether your concerns are valid.


I don't see any evidence of widespread fraud. You can't use the Atos WCA as evidence because that is not looking for fraud, it's a reassessment based on a simplistic checklist following a significant move of the goalposts.


Go for it, keep making stuff up to try and distract from the fact that you was wrong. I haven't made generalisations, I simply pointed out that some people do make the life style choice that you claimed they didn't. You asked for evidence and I presented it, you are acting like a child.

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Go for it, keep making stuff up to try and distract from the fact that you was wrong. I haven't made generalisations, I simply pointed out that some people do make the life style choice that you claimed they didn't. You asked for evidence and I presented it, you are acting like a child.


Look, if your argument is that some people do it I agree. Great.


If your argument is that it's a widespread problem then I don't agree because there is no evidence.


So what do you believe? You think disabled people are conning the system en masse? Do you really think millions of people are pretending to be disabled?

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