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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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I haven't said it isn't, but they don't detect all fraud and the only fraud they know about is that which is detected.



I've already said that.



I haven't said it is.


I haven't said anything to the contrary.


I haven't said I believe the WCA stats



It isn't my mission, I think you must being going a little mad to think it is.


Or you have lost the ability to read, because you are simply inventing things to further the argument you have already lost.


So, let's be clear. You don't think millions of people are pretending to be disabled? And you are in no way attempting to vilify diabled people as a group?

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So, let's be clear. You don't think millions of people are pretending to be disabled?
If you need to ask that, then you clearly haven't been reading my posts.

And you are in no way attempting to vilify diabled people as a group?




According to the Labour Force Survey, disabled people are now more likely to be employed than they were in 2002.

In 2012, 46.3 per cent of working-age disabled people are in employment.

There are over 6.9 million disabled people of working age which represents 19% of the working population.

There are currently 1.3 million disabled people in the UK who are available for and want to work.


That leaves 3.2 million not working out of which 1.3 million want to work.

Do you think the other 1.9 million are incapable of working because they are more disabled than the ones that work or want to work?


It is clear from the above post that I am not vilifying diabled people as a group

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  • 1 year later...
Based on this definition "far right" would mean libertarian or classical anarchist


But it doesn't so why are you wasting our time with this semantic horse****?


You KNOW full well what far right means. The rest of us know as well. The EDL, Britain First, BNP and other fascist organizations aren't going to become any more palatable to mainstream society, no matter how much quibbling about definitions goes on.


One can only be thankful that these goosestepping goons are as short on internal cohesion as they are on intellectual coherence. These groups tend to fragment and fall out with each other on a regular basis. Look what happened to Nick "I'm not a racist" Griffin.

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It seems I lost this debate as the EDL have come around again and everybody's still calling them "far right". I blame the BBC.


I think you are so far away from either that you confuse the two.

See : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory


There are a host of common factors amongst the far right groups that are absent from the far left. It's about where they are coming from rather than where they are going (or already there).


It's all a bit Animal Farm.

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The term "far right" has come to refer to anybody that those who are on the side of big government find most objectionable.


I was just reading this thread on the EDL, and it reminded me that this has been bothering me for a while.


In general the "right" is associated with small government and the "left" with big government. Based on this definition "far right" would mean libertarian or classical anarchist, but it never seems to be used to mean that. Don't even get me started on modern "anarchists" (communists in disguise).


I find it particularly bemusing when extreme socialists who tend toward ethnic genocide and warmongering such as Hitler and Stalin are referred to as "far right" which is just nonsense. These people are blatantly "far left".


When did this happen? Did I miss a memo? How are National Socialists "far right"?


Perhaps it's time to abandon this right/left nonsense as it has lost all useful meaning and pick some specific terminology for what is currently labelled "far right". Any suggestions?


It means fascists doesn't it?


---------- Post added 07-07-2015 at 09:27 ----------


I appreciate the thought, but I tend to disagree.


Surely the "right" in general are inclined to leave people to their own devices. With a small government you don't have the resources to go around forcing people to behave in one way or another.


Fascists are well known for the relaxed policies and just letting everyone get on with things :huh:

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It means fascists doesn't it?


---------- Post added 07-07-2015 at 09:27 ----------



Fascists are well known for the relaxed policies and just letting everyone get on with things :huh:


That's a straw man argument if ever I read one.

You replace my definition of "right" with yours and then complain that my description doesn't match your definition.:suspect:

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I joined the thread late obviously, and just finished reading page 1.


It occurred to me after a few posts that you seem to be trying to redefine the right to mean purely interested in small government, and the far right not to mean fascist.


You started the topic with a question, my answer is that far right means fascist. I think that's the common definition, and fascists are not known for just letting everyone get on with things.

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I joined the thread late obviously, and just finished reading page 1.


It occurred to me after a few posts that you seem to be trying to redefine the right to mean purely interested in small government, and the far right not to mean fascist.


You started the topic with a question, my answer is that far right means fascist. I think that's the common definition, and fascists are not known for just letting everyone get on with things.


1. What does moderate right if not small government.

2. If moderate right is small government capitalism, how does far right mean fascist when fascism requires huge government.


Fascism is in fact far left and to refer to it as far right is manipulative and disingenuous.


This was my original point, but I find Flanker7's horseshoe a compelling case.

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