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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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Do you have a better definition of "right wing" than mine.


Yes, see above.


Any stupidity I might appear to show arises from the small size and poor functioning of my brain.


Thanks for sharing.



That definition is a little circular. In my experience, the moderate right are usually the first ones to stand up against banning things. If you mean that the right are disinclined to subsidise minorities, you may have a point there but it's not quite the same thing.


I was talking about the far right, whose attributes I described above.

Racism is a clear indicator of far rightness.

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Perhaps you could point me at an historic example of a big government state that didn't turn tyrannical.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 20:11 ----------



Not at all. Hitler didn't leave anyone to their own devices. He ran a big government intent on controlling everything and was therefore part of the "left". I believe I already made this point.


It's all getting a bit like asking "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin". Key thing is whether it's far right or far left, they both have intolerance of others, and a certain belief in their own narrow view.


Both types are best avoided in my view.

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i think hes far right and just trying to shift the goalposts slightly to make himself feel better


Since you seem interested:

I'm generally strongly opposed to the banning or anything which society can endure. Anything which could be harmful to children should be kept in places where they can't see it or get to it. Apart from that adults should be given as much liberty as we can possibly manage.

I tend to think that collecting a large cut of money from the working poor in the form of various taxes and then giving it back to them like you're doing them a favour is daft.

Such taxes as are required for the smooth running of the country and to care for the helpless and elderly etc should be collected entirely from the middle to wealthy, but I don't thing the government needs anything like as much money as it gets.

Anything which does not have to be organised through the government should be privatised.

I'm prepared to answer specific questions on politics if anyone would find it useful, but I'm not sure this is necessary in order to have the narrow discussion I started.

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Interesting. Specifically what aspects of "right wing" ideology did the National Socialists adopt? If it wasn't toward small government or individualism I might not be inclined to recognise it as right wing. Let's not forget the popularity of Hitler with British socialists in the 1930's.




Nationalistic, racist, authoritarian, centralised state were the right wing bits. Especially the bit about the state using its executive power to persecute ethnic groups.


Obviously they are not exclusively right wing. The Soviet Union had an authoritarian, centralised state too. And also persecuted minorities.


Maybe the thing that really links the two is they were ideologically-driven tyrannical madmen, from a certain chapter in history that made that possible.

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Since you seem interested:

I'm generally strongly opposed to the banning or anything which society can endure. Anything which could be harmful to children should be kept in places where they can't see it or get to it. Apart from that adults should be given as much liberty as we can possibly manage.

I tend to think that collecting a large cut of money from the working poor in the form of various taxes and then giving it back to them like you're doing them a favour is daft.

Such taxes as are required for the smooth running of the country and to care for the helpless and elderly etc should be collected entirely from the middle to wealthy, but I don't thing the government needs anything like as much money as it gets.

Anything which does not have to be organised through the government should be privatised.

I'm prepared to answer specific questions on politics if anyone would find it useful, but I'm not sure this is necessary in order to have the narrow discussion I started.


Are you in favour of a multi cultural society?

Where do you stand on homosexuality?

What are your views on drugs?

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I was talking about the far right, whose attributes I described above.

Racism is a clear indicator of far rightness.


No it isn't.

Racism is an indication of dislike of other races.

Far rightness is entirely independent of this.

I'm not the only one making this point.

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Ron Paul is far right IMO. Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong Ill and the others are far left. I know others disagree. The left likes to have the moral high ground so any tryants or despots tend to get branded "far right" to keep the left clean. But any government that wants to have total control over people's lives is living on the left side of the polical spectrum IMO.


I've never seen a left winger describe Stain as far right, or the North Koreans.


You're contradicting yourself there anyway.

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Since you seem interested:

I'm generally strongly opposed to the banning or anything which society can endure. Anything which could be harmful to children should be kept in places where they can't see it or get to it. Apart from that adults should be given as much liberty as we can possibly manage.

I tend to think that collecting a large cut of money from the working poor in the form of various taxes and then giving it back to them like you're doing them a favour is daft.

Such taxes as are required for the smooth running of the country and to care for the helpless and elderly etc should be collected entirely from the middle to wealthy, but I don't thing the government needs anything like as much money as it gets.

Anything which does not have to be organised through the government should be privatised.

I'm prepared to answer specific questions on politics if anyone would find it useful, but I'm not sure this is necessary in order to have the narrow discussion I started.


Like Thatcher's funeral :roll:

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