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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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No it isn't.

Racism is an indication of dislike of other races.

Far rightness is entirely independent of this.

I'm not the only one making this point.


Not when it becomes state policy to persecute other races, using the apparatus of state. Then it isn't independent.

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No it isn't.

Racism is an indication of dislike of other races.

Far rightness is entirely independent of this.

I'm not the only one making this point.


You're trying to redefine the term so that you don't get associated with racists, I see.


Totally understandable, but it's not gonna fly I'm afraid. Of course racism is associated with the right wing, because it is part of it. It may not be your part of it but that's too bad.


Why do you feel the need to 'reclaim' the term anyway? Why not just refer to yourself as a libertarian?

Edited by flamingjimmy
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Since you seem interested:

I'm generally strongly opposed to the banning or anything which society can endure. Anything which could be harmful to children should be kept in places where they can't see it or get to it. Apart from that adults should be given as much liberty as we can possibly manage.


That's quite a liberal social policy, not really a right wing one. Social conservatism is considered right wing.

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Are you in favour of a multi cultural society?

Where do you stand on homosexuality?

What are your views on drugs?


In general, I find my life to be enriched by contact with other cultures. Whilst there are always aspects of other cultures which are frightening, sometimes justifiably, I think it's worth it.


Homosexuals are people like anyone else. I have no problem having them as friends or colleagues. I would like them to be allowed to marry. They're certainly not doing me any harm so I see no reason to regulate what they do in their bedrooms.


Drugs are bad. But adults are entitled to make their own decisions. Some state drug control seems necessary to maintain the smooth running of society, but I think the state could and should back off on the softer non-addictive drugs.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 20:44 ----------


Pull the other one.


Of course. Now I'm convinced. Your compelling argument has caused me to rethink my entire philosophy of life. Thank you.

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The term "far right" has come to refer to anybody that those who are on the side of big government find most objectionable.


I was just reading this thread on the EDL, and it reminded me that this has been bothering me for a while.


In general the "right" is associated with small government and the "left" with big government. Based on this definition "far right" would mean libertarian or classical anarchist, but it never seems to be used to mean that. Don't even get me started on modern "anarchists" (communists in disguise).


I find it particularly bemusing when extreme socialists who tend toward ethnic genocide and warmongering such as Hitler and Stalin are referred to as "far right" which is just nonsense. These people are blatantly "far left".


When did this happen? Did I miss a memo? How are National Socialists "far right"?


Perhaps it's time to abandon this right/left nonsense as it has lost all useful meaning and pick some specific terminology for what is currently labelled "far right". Any suggestions?


You nicked my thunder!! I was going to post this :hihi:


All you peeps should look at the BNP manifesto from 2005. Ignore the race issues and immigration bits. And it's more left wing than Micky Foots donkey jacket!!


Have a look . . .





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I'm not sure. How many immigrants do you see in extreme left wing countries like China?


I agree that Hitler was left wing. But it will rattle a few cages on the left to be associated with him. Which they are.


i think the point is, most people who can be classified as far right have certain beliefs / traits


such as racism, homophobia, islamophobia, misogny in a lot of cases, lack of empathy

and yes these do happen in other types of people including the left too but as far as far right goes they are almost wholly present in most cases

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