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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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The term "far right" has come to refer to anybody that those who are on the side of big government find most objectionable.


I was just reading this thread on the EDL, and it reminded me that this has been bothering me for a while.


In general the "right" is associated with small government and the "left" with big government. Based on this definition "far right" would mean libertarian or classical anarchist, but it never seems to be used to mean that. Don't even get me started on modern "anarchists" (communists in disguise).


I find it particularly bemusing when extreme socialists who tend toward ethnic genocide and warmongering such as Hitler and Stalin are referred to as "far right" which is just nonsense. These people are blatantly "far left".


When did this happen? Did I miss a memo? How are National Socialists "far right"?


Perhaps it's time to abandon this right/left nonsense as it has lost all useful meaning and pick some specific terminology for what is currently labelled "far right". Any suggestions?


I define "far right wing" as believing in the freedom to succeed over equality. Once you see success as the prime motive at the expense of equality, then issues such as race, bigotry and hate become your prime catalyst.

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Oh come on now. You can't possibly be an anarchist communist.

In a communist system the government is so big that it controls everything. In an anarchist system there is no government.


In a communist system there is collective ownership of the means of production. Anarchist communists don't believe that a government is necessary for that (don't ask how they'd stop the means of production from being seized - that's the main flaw).


What you're describing is an authoritarian government, which could be communist or not.


You sound like a libertarian capitalist, which is the opposite of authoritarian communist. Libertarianism is the opposite of authoritarianism & capitalism is the opposite of communism. There are authoritarian capitalists too (fascists) & anarcho-communists. Left & right is usually defined in terms of economic policy, with communism at the far left, capitalism at the far right. Whether you're socially conservative & authoritarian, or liberal is independent of that. When judging social policy, authoritarianism is usually considered right wing & liberalism left.

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I'm not sure Stalin is known for being far right?! He's more famous as a communist dictator.


The Nazis had a mix of policies from right and left, so its probably overly simplistic to call them far right.


You have to realise that Hitler wasn't politically naive initially. "Nationalist" "Socialist" were terms used in a propaganda sense to dupe the masses. He couldn't ride on the back of "kill all Jews and homosexuals" as a rallying cry.

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You have to realise that Hitler wasn't politically naive initially. "Nationalist" "Socialist" were terms used in a propaganda sense to dupe the masses. He couldn't ride on the back of "kill all Jews and homosexuals" as a rallying cry.


I know from what I have read Hitler did not like these policies, but he had to have these policies to get socialist politicians on board. So the policies did reflect the politicians beliefs. I am not sure these politicians could have been so naive they did not know just who they were playing with.

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I define "far right wing" as believing in the freedom to succeed over equality. Once you see success as the prime motive at the expense of equality, then issues such as race, bigotry and hate become your prime catalyst.


I look at the left as wanting equality for all which is why the poor tend to be the lefties until they acquire wealth at which point they just pretend to be lefties.

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How is Hitler left wing??? He was an utter and outright fascist.


But seeing as though you're stuck for suggestions as what to call people on the "far right", how about 'tossers', 'bellends', 'turd brains'.


There we are. Always glad to help.


now now not very tolerant are we tonight:loopy: time of the month?

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I look at the left as wanting equality for all which is why the poor tend to be the lefties until they acquire wealth at which point they just pretend to be lefties.


Can you define leftie? Communist? Marxist, socialist? or do you mean anything left of "far right"?


If the BNP are "socialist" why aren't they campaigning on the back of equality?

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SF is probably not a good place for gleaning a definition of "far right".

According to some on here, UKIP are "far right", or pretty much anybody the left have cause to disagree with :loopy:


SF has so many posters who are very right wing it's unreal. They talk about the ill and disabled as if they've made a lifestyle choice. They talk about people down on their luck as if they're scum. Their posts are often characterised by hate and loathing. And they hate being confronted, often turning aggressive and trying to bully. A case study in what the right wing is all about, whipped into a frenzy over the issues that the right wing press tell them they should care about. Want to see it in action, read this forum.

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SF has so many posters who are very right wing it's unreal. They talk about the ill and disabled as if they've made a lifestyle choice. They talk about people down on their luck as if they're scum. Their posts are often characterised by hate and loathing. And they hate being confronted, often turning aggressive and trying to bully. A case study in what the right wing is all about, whipped into a frenzy over the issues that the right wing press tell them they should care about. Want to see it in action, read this forum.


Astutely observed.

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