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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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SF has so many posters who are very right wing it's unreal. They talk about the ill and disabled as if they've made a lifestyle choice. They talk about people down on their luck as if they're scum. Their posts are often characterised by hate and loathing. And they hate being confronted, often turning aggressive and trying to bully. A case study in what the right wing is all about, whipped into a frenzy over the issues that the right wing press tell them they should care about. Want to see it in action, read this forum.



Funny that,as the site seems to be very left wing and intolerant to me,seems to me that when your young you tend to be left wing but as you get older and wiser you move further to the right.:)

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Left & right isn't really helpful, there's more than one broad policy area that's important. Social & economic policies are independent from each other. That's where the confusion has come from here.


The economic right wing would be extreme capitalism, everything in the economy is treated as a private asset, nothing is collectively owned. At the extreme economic left there is no concept of ownership or money, everything is owned by everybody.


Socially, authoritarians would want to control everybody's daily lives as much as possible, then at the other extreme there's anarchism, where there is no government & no laws.


These are almost completely independent, you can find people with beliefs at every combination of extremes & everywhere between.


There are authoritarian capitalists who believe in a capitalist society where big government and big private corporations control almost everything in peoples lives (fascists). There are anarchist capitalists that believe in no government, no laws & complete economic freedom to own anything. There are authoritarian communists who want to control everything (the communist party). There are anarcho-communists who want no government, no laws & no property.


If you look harder you can find other independent political beliefs.


The current Chinese communist party confuse things even more, they're still very authoritarian, but seem to be heading towards a more capitalist economy.


Far right usually means fascist, since extreme right wing social policy is authoritarian & extreme right economics doesn't believe in the equal distribution of wealth.

Edited by anywebsite
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SF has so many posters who are very right wing it's unreal. They talk about the ill and disabled as if they've made a lifestyle choice. They talk about people down on their luck as if they're scum. Their posts are often characterised by hate and loathing. And they hate being confronted, often turning aggressive and trying to bully. A case study in what the right wing is all about, whipped into a frenzy over the issues that the right wing press tell them they should care about. Want to see it in action, read this forum.


Still, not "far right" though. A lot of it is to do with perception. You might perceive somebody hates something in a heated debate, simply for arguing a point, it doesn't make their point invalid because you find it distasteful or offends your sensibilities.

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Funny that,as the site seems to be very left wing and intolerant to me,seems to me that when your young you tend to be left wing but as you get older and wiser you move further to the right.:)


Don't confuse being a reasonable human being with being lefty.


I'm getting more left wing as I get older. It seems to me that you turn to the right when you identify that you have something to protect and you become terrified it will be taken from you.


Listen, you have a small handful of things you genuinely need to protect in life above all else and that is your health, your happiness, your sanity. They are priceless. There's no point being a grizzled old Victor Meldrew type, or a naive young Victor Meldrew type, if you are reduced to becoming enraged every morning when you read the Daily Mail and sitting on forums spewing hate and casting your beady gaze over imagined threats from chavs, immigrants, benefits fraudsters, the disabled, the unemployed or whoever you decide to get angry about that day.

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Still, not "far right" though. A lot of it is to do with perception. You might perceive somebody hates something in a heated debate, simply for arguing a point, it doesn't make their point invalid because you find it distasteful or offends your sensibilities.


If the perception is that the person identifies with organisations that are unashamedly positioned on the right, the far right, or with organisations with significant right-wing influences then what other conclusion are people supposed to draw. Seriously.


I've got no time for politicians who shamelessly attack the vulnerable, or for people who do it because they think the politicians are telling them to.

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If the perception is that the person identifies with organisations that are unashamedly positioned on the right, the far right, or with organisations with significant right-wing influences then what other conclusion are people supposed to draw. Seriously.


I've got no time for politicians who shamelessly attack the vulnerable, or for people who do it because they think the politicians are telling them to.


I don't think it's an issue of people being on the right. I'm on the right, and I support UKIP. I think the use of "far right" is more questionable, as I say, some seem to think UKIP are "far right" so you have to question their grasp of politics.

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If the perception is that the person identifies with organisations that are unashamedly positioned on the right, the far right, or with organisations with significant right-wing influences then what other conclusion are people supposed to draw. Seriously.


I've got no time for politicians who shamelessly attack the vulnerable, or for people who do it because they think the politicians are telling them to.

Yes, but which politicians actually ATTACK the vulnerable? Making cuts, ie still giving them free money but a bit less does not constitute an ATTACK in any definition of the word I've heard of. The left really over eggs the pudding on this regard.

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Yes, but which politicians actually ATTACK the vulnerable? Making cuts, ie still giving them free money but a bit less does not constitute an ATTACK in any definition of the word I've heard of. The left really over eggs the pudding on this regard.


Politicians go for the soft targets.


It's why you have expensive enforcement regimes that target vulnerable people, e.g. Atos assessments, bedroom tax etc... and target imagined benefits fraud when the vast majority of benefits claimants are honest, campaigns that are estimated to make % savings in low single figures of the overall benefits bill.


They simultaneously ignore the real seriously escalating issues with benefits like housing benefits, even introducing policies that will make the issues worse, e.g. like inflating the housing market.


They also ignore corporate tax avoidance, some firms like Vodafone enjoying multi-billion pound tax writes-offs


Like i said they fo for the soft targets that certain people will get angry about.


You've been played like a fool. Don't let yourself be a trained monkey.


My only advice is to not vote for the main parties any more. I think if you're right-wing aligned the choice will be UKIP. For many us on the left, the Greens. Just don't vote LibLabCon.

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I don't think it's an issue of people being on the right. I'm on the right, and I support UKIP. I think the use of "far right" is more questionable, as I say, some seem to think UKIP are "far right" so you have to question their grasp of politics.


But, UKIP are undeniably on the right.


They are also clearly to the right of the Tories, who are the mainstream right wing party.


So, a rational analysis would place UKIP towards the far right of UK politics. Saved from being outright, far right by the BNP/NF/EDL nutters.

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I don't think it's an issue of people being on the right. I'm on the right, and I support UKIP. I think the use of "far right" is more questionable, as I say, some seem to think UKIP are "far right" so you have to question their grasp of politics.


You have to understand that many on the far right will vote UKIP. And they will post on here and tweet and post on Facebook and they will create the wrong impression.


I admire UKIP in some ways. They have a clear and direct message on some policies. I can't agree with what they say but there are no doubts about where they stand on certain issues. That is refreshing. They deserve to be heard and not have their message obfuscated by stupid hate and bile. We don't need that in our politics. It'll get us nowhere.

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