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What does "far right" mean anyway?

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Politicians go for the soft targets.


It's why you have expensive enforcement regimes that target vulnerable people, e.g. Atos assessments, bedroom tax etc... and target imagined benefits fraud when the vast majority of benefits claimants are honest, campaigns that are estimated to make % savings in low single figures of the overall benefits bill.


They simultaneously ignore the real seriously escalating issues with benefits like housing benefits, even introducing policies that will make the issues worse, e.g. like inflating the housing market.


They also ignore corporate tax avoidance, some firms like Vodafone enjoying multi-billion pound tax writes-offs


Like i said they fo for the soft targets that certain people will get angry about.


You've been played like a fool. Don't let yourself be a trained monkey.


My only advice is to not vote for the main parties any more. I think if you're right-wing aligned the choice will be UKIP. For many us on the left, the Greens. Just don't vote LibLabCon.

Plenty of people get angry about corporate tax avoidance, yet Labour never did anything about it during their 13 year government. Could it be that it's quite hard to do something about it? What do you want them to do? Send round men with guns and demand suitcases full of money?


It's far easier to prevent money leaving government coffers in unauthorised fashion (benefit fraud) than it is to forcibly take money from companies who feel it is their's to keep and have armies of accountants and lawyers dedicated to that goal.


IMO, tax should be drastically lower than it is, and the government should not be expected to do the vast majority of things that a lot of people expect it to. Not the national government, anyway. County councils, town/city councils and local neighbourhood groups are far more effective and delivering services and far more accountable to taxpayers than faceless government departments in London. All the national government should be concerned about is protecting our borders and foreign affairs.

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Plenty of people get angry about corporate tax avoidance, yet Labour never did anything about it during their 13 year government. Could it be that it's quite hard to do something about it? What do you want them to do? Send round men with guns and demand suitcases full of money?


It's far easier to prevent money leaving government coffers in unauthorised fashion (benefit fraud) than it is to forcibly take money from companies who feel it is their's to keep and have armies of accountants and lawyers dedicated to that goal.


IMO, tax should be drastically lower than it is, and the government should not be expected to do the vast majority of things that a lot of people expect it to. Not the national government, anyway. County councils, town/city councils and local neighbourhood groups are far more effective and delivering services and far more accountable to taxpayers than faceless government departments in London. All the national government should be concerned about is protecting our borders and foreign affairs.


I know Labour didn't do anything about tax. They made things worse. I don't vote Labour. There does need to be genuine appetite to tackle the issue though and none of the main parties show any.


You need to have yourself a serious review of what government does well. It isn't just about borders and defence.


And yes, tax does need to be reformed. The current system is insane.

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What does government do well and not at exorbitant cost? People talk about the NHS, but is it really good value for money considering the amount of money that is spent on it? It's the second largest employer ON EARTH. There's just masses and masses of needless bureaucracy, look at the computer system that they've just had to abandon. It cost us £6.4 BILLION. That's a thousand pounds for every man woman and child in the country. That is just obscene IMO.

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What does government do well and not at exorbitant cost? People talk about the NHS, but is it really good value for money considering the amount of money that is spent on it? It's the second largest employer ON EARTH. There's just masses and masses of needless bureaucracy, look at the computer system that they've just had to abandon. It cost us £6.4 BILLION. That's a thousand pounds for every man woman and child in the country. That is just obscene IMO.



A thousand pounds per head extra of population is cheap for what it delivers, but hopefully that ****-up wouldn't repeat itself.

The NHS is not unique in it's overspending. I agree it suffers from bureaucracy but usually that's the case for any large centralised governmental organisation...even local. The far right on the other hand would do away with the NHS over time because it's a drain on the ethos of individual success, -if you can't pay for it..tough!-

Being (unequal) Black, homosexual, disabled even gender, or any flavour of the month puts that demographic at a dangerously severe disadvantage, as it would have nothing to do with success individually, but seen in the same light the Jews were considered, political rats pawns in order to pander to the masses.

Every government needs a pawn, especially when distraction from real issues are concerned, it's just a matter of degree how far you take, use and further that distraction.


Left, middle or right is acceptable, as long as left or right is kept on a leash by not prefixing them with "Far".


---------- Post added 19-09-2013 at 02:46 ----------


What does government do well and not at exorbitant cost? People talk about the NHS, but is it really good value for money considering the amount of money that is spent on it? It's the second largest employer ON EARTH. There's just masses and masses of needless bureaucracy, look at the computer system that they've just had to abandon. It cost us £6.4 BILLION. That's a thousand pounds for every man woman and child in the country. That is just obscene IMO.


Yeah, all that money spent on healthcare yet hundreds of billions if not trillions get spent on means which enable us to slaughter one another..what were you saying about obscene?

Edited by skinz
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SF has so many posters who are very right wing it's unreal. They talk about the ill and disabled as if they've made a lifestyle choice. They talk about people down on their luck as if they're scum. Their posts are often characterised by hate and loathing. And they hate being confronted, often turning aggressive and trying to bully. A case study in what the right wing is all about, whipped into a frenzy over the issues that the right wing press tell them they should care about. Want to see it in action, read this forum.


I know a couple of people that have done just that, one of my neighbours moves round her back garden with ease, but on the front she limps with a stick, very odd unless she's pretending to be disabled.


I expect to receive some abuse from the lefties now, but I won't reciprocate. :)

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But, UKIP are undeniably on the right.


They are also clearly to the right of the Tories, who are the mainstream right wing party.


So, a rational analysis would place UKIP towards the far right of UK politics. Saved from being outright, far right by the BNP/NF/EDL nutters.


I don't deny UKIP are on the right, and I agree they are further right than the Tories. I think any suggestion they are anywhere near far right is plain idiocy.

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I know Labour didn't do anything about tax. They made things worse. I don't vote Labour. There does need to be genuine appetite to tackle the issue though and none of the main parties show any.


You need to have yourself a serious review of what government does well. It isn't just about borders and defence.


And yes, tax does need to be reformed. The current system is insane.


Which past Labour government did a better job than the last one?

13 years is after all their longest term of office.

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Politicians go for the soft targets.


It's why you have expensive enforcement regimes that target vulnerable people, e.g. Atos assessments, bedroom tax etc... and target imagined benefits fraud when the vast majority of benefits claimants are honest, campaigns that are estimated to make % savings in low single figures of the overall benefits bill.


They simultaneously ignore the real seriously escalating issues with benefits like housing benefits, even introducing policies that will make the issues worse, e.g. like inflating the housing market.


They also ignore corporate tax avoidance, some firms like Vodafone enjoying multi-billion pound tax writes-offs


Like i said they fo for the soft targets that certain people will get angry about.


You've been played like a fool. Don't let yourself be a trained monkey.


My only advice is to not vote for the main parties any more. I think if you're right-wing aligned the choice will be UKIP. For many us on the left, the Greens. Just don't vote LibLabCon.


It was Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown that made that possible.


I think there has been massive systematic abuse of the welfare system decades. Someone who isn't genuinely needy but defrauds the taxpayer isn't vulnerable, they're thieves.

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