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Is this legal? : Stoning of grass verges


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Is this legal?


Some homeowners have started to place large pointed stones outside the bounds of their properties onto the grass verge, which is clearly public property.


While I understand that during winter it turns into a muddy swamp from irresponsible drivers who don’t live there. However, this does mean car drivers who sometimes have to mount to the side in order to allow emergencies vehicle to pass can't do so.


Who fault would it be it the underside of the car got ripped in such cases?


Should the council get tough or just let it be?

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The legalities of this aren't black and white. I would think that if damage was caused to your car (by hitting one of these rocks whilst getting out of the way of an emergency vehicle) you could be accused of driving without due care and attention - because you should have seen it. Also, I think you would find it very difficult, without eyewitness evidence, to prove who had placed the rocks there. That is not to say that I agree with this practice, on the contrary I find it really annoying.


You could always remove the offending rocks, but then you could find yourself accused of theft. :) Best course of action is probably to contact the local council/police and ask for there advice

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I've noticed some areas of Sheffield, people have paint them white to make them visible at night. Others, simply cannot be seen and it seems that when you are in a traffic jam, your course of action is simply to turn in and so you can't see that they are actually there as you crawl along.

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Originally posted by "John"


Others, simply cannot be seen and it seems that when you are in a traffic jam, your course of action is simply to turn in and so you can't see that they are actually there as you crawl along.


I know what you mean, just spoke to a friend and she told me that she actually damaged the passenger door of her car on one of these rocks - she had stopped to drop somebody off and as they opened the door it hit a "huge f**c*in piece of stone" (her words) and put a dent in the door. She was very annoyed - to the point that she got out her car, picked up the rock and "placed" it on the bonnet of a car that was in the drive of the house concerned, along with a note the contents of which I wont repeat...

Good for her, perhaps this is the best course of action to take :lol:

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kinda does make sence tho, placing rocks there.


we dont do it personally, but it certainly stops idiots mounting the curbs and driving all over the grass, i saw a council van drive into a verge and it just sank, so it serves him right! :lol:

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grass verges are council property and no member of the public has any right to put anything on them. If there is an ongoing problem with people parking / driving on verges, send a petition to the council requesting bollards be installed.

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Perhaps some of the people who put stones on the verges are marking their territory.

Saying 'this is my land keep away' like hostile African tribes used to put their enemies heads on poles and stake them out around their borders.

I bet some of these people walk their dogs a few hundred yards along the street and leave dog mess on someone else's verge.


Or on the other hand they could just be caring people who want to keep the grass looking good.


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Originally posted by "royalscam"


So this woman didn't see this "F*****g big piece of rock"

Perhaps she shouldn't be driving at all.


Yes... quite.


What if that stone was a small child playing? Would she have gone and put an injured child on the car bonnet of the house she was outside?



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I think that a small child playing would be considerably more visible than a rock. I would also be asking the childs parents why he/she was allowed to play alone next to the road.


If you haven't got anything constructive to add to the discussion then maybe you should just stick to posting on your own website forum - looks like it needs all the visitors it can get :lol:

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