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Can anybody remember butlers cafe?


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cause i can remember butlers cafe up on brookhill round about i used to go there most lunch time for gorgeous home cooked meals at reasonable prices, you could meat lots of diverse peple there from cutlers, road sweepers, doctors from jessops, lecturers from the uni, poets, writers, artists all mammer oof different people, i i remember the old lady called Ma Butlerwho always sat near the counter and her son i think was calles Steve was the chef long gone and frequented by many famous and not so famous clients

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Just yesterday Mr C and I were at a bus stop near there having taken our grandaughter to the museum and he was reminising about living in that area as a young boy and I asked if he remember Butlers, of course he did. I only ever went in once when my first husband and I went into the register office to book our wedding he took me for lunch of meat and potatoe pie there afterwards - he always was a romantic!:roll:

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My second home from the 60s until it closed. Steve and Edna were lovelly people and the food was top notch with no fuss Sheffields Mithcellin star!!!.They used to serve Yorkshire pud on a seperate plate as a starter SUPERB none of this frozen rubbish. It used to have a outside sign sayng Buters Eating House. I used to deliver the milk in the area not to Butlers but the surrounding area Butlers used the Co-Op if i remember right there was many a time early in the morning before Butlers had opened when Steve used to have a cup of tea ready for me on a cold morning.

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I remember Steve Butler, a geat guy, he was a keen Scuba diver, I dived with him off Flamborough and sold him one of my dive boats, think it was called "Ruber Duck". Sorry to hear he's no longer with us.

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How the memories come flooding back, The meat and potato pie in that big bath sized dish. The jam rolly polly pud with custard, and most of all my introduction to liver and bacon lunches I can see it all now.

Including the last street lamp lighter (clock winder) who always ate there on his rounds.

We will never see the likes of it again what with so called food hygeine etc.

Butlers fed generations of sheffield working men and lads God bless em.




Butlers Thank You :love:

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