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3 British people murdered in Kenya

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Aren't Muslims in Britain largely more religious today than they were 50 years ago? Their parents and grandparents didn't come to Britain to live the same way they had done in Pakistan etc. But for some reason the young don't see this.


I don't think there is anyway of knowing if people are more devout than they were 50 years ago. But these crimes were commited in Kenya not UK

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why did Iraq have zero al-kida beore the USA and its terrorist arm Saudi invaded ?



why have you not included any terror attacks taking place in syria by the hands of british tax funded terrorist ??



fascism always hates people due to their beliefs . much like hitler convincing the public to hate jews.


The modern fascist is an Islamic extremist. Hates everybody whose not a Muslim

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Can't the powers that be, in the West, see what's coming.


Its only a matter of time before we're talking about an incident like this in a public place in the UK.


I saw this on youtube today. I know that it'll be claimed that it is not in this country but I'll stick my neck out and state I feel its how most Mmuslims feel about the incident..



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the trouble is though BF is that they think their thoughts "are" rational according to the Koran, if taken literally! others will copy and are copying:mad:


Of course they think their thoughts are rational..most lunatics do!


Whether they'll be copied, well that depends on the shape of the moon ;)

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