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3 British people murdered in Kenya

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You mean Islamic extremists? They kill Muslims too.


Very good avoiding of the question .

I agree Islamic extremists yes . I also agree they will kill anyone to suit their warped beliefs .

Surely you must agree there beliefs are ... ISLAM all be it a warped version

And they are MUSLIMS again all be it evil murderous ones

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Very good avoiding of the question .

I agree Islamic extremists yes . I also agree they will kill anyone to suit their warped beliefs .

Surely you must agree there beliefs are ... ISLAM all be it a warped version

And they are MUSLIMS again all be it evil murderous ones


so why is it in cases like this you and certain others feel you NEED to amplify the terms islam, muslim etc yet in other cases of say murder, terror, killing, death, etc you dont amplify their race, culture, sex, religion etc?

does it only matter when its a case of muslims?


what about the muslim victims of such atrocities? why should they be dragged in the mud?


i saw the WHITE ENGLISH phillpots (who burned to death their 6 children) house is about to get demolished, i know, it doesnt seem to have the same ring to it

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You make a good point I've often wondered why so many ... Haters of the west , choose to come and live here and other western countries .

It actually just confirms what my belief is ... They are jealous .


I don't know if jealous is the right word. I think they want to come live in a country where if you turn on the faucet (sorry, tap) clean water comes out. Where they are guaranteed medical care and their children an education. Where if they call the police or an ambulance, someone actually shows up. Where if they are hungry or homeless, they are clothed, fed and given a place to live, all at taxpayer expense. Where they can choose to worship (or not) as they please, and no one will arrest them.


Of course, the irony that some of them immediately turn around and do their darndest to turn their current home into the basket cases they left behind, is lost on them. And instead of being grateful, they want us all dead.


I'm also curious why has no one has brought up gun control. This seems to be the case every time there is a shooting in the US, why not here?

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I don't know if jealous is the right word. I think they want to come live in a country where if you turn on the faucet (sorry, tap) clean water comes out. Where they are guaranteed medical care and their children an education. Where if they call the police or an ambulance, someone actually shows up. Where if they are hungry or homeless, they are clothed, fed and given a place to live, all at taxpayer expense. Where they can choose to worship (or not) as they please, and no one will arrest them.


Of course, the irony that some of them immediately turn around and do their darndest to turn their current home into the basket cases they left behind, is lost on them. And instead of being grateful, they want us all dead.


I'm also curious why has no one has brought up gun control. This seems to be the case every time there is a shooting in the US, why not here?

tbh i wouldnt know what rights are about guns in places like there, not quite as black and white as here or the us i dont think

anyway we aint talking normal people we are talking terrorists, there is no gun control regarding terrorists, they will aquire them how they can and get them to wherever they need no matter what

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Very good avoiding of the question .

I agree Islamic extremists yes . I also agree they will kill anyone to suit their warped beliefs .

Surely you must agree there beliefs are ... ISLAM all be it a warped version

And they are MUSLIMS again all be it evil murderous ones


Yes but you didn't say that. You generalised with one brush stroke, as is the norm with these debates.

I didn't avoid the question, I corrected you on your statement, I can't help it if you're not bright enough.


Janie48 is a Christian, are you implying with your singular brush stroke she's an evil murderous killer? Nah, she probably sips tea, says a few prayers and does a bit of charity work. Bit like most Muslims who sip tea, go to church, drive you around in their taxi or run a shop from 9 till 10

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The Rolf Harris bit was pathetic by the way .


All Muslim terrorists are committing there crimes in the name of islam ... Fact

As soon as Muslims and the rest of the world who keep avoiding the issue that is there is something incredibly wrong with the Quran if you can twist it to commit murders as they KEEP doing the better .

I'm not saying that all Muslims are terrorists as your small mind keeps implying but there is a problem with the faith of islam that needs addressing so acts like this cannot take place .

the ONLY problem with the faith of islam is in yours and peoples like yours heads, all religions are and can be twisted by people who want to act on religious teachings

at the moment there is a lot of islamic actions in the world, but its not just down to islam, its because of other factors in the world and people becoming angry about things and looking for more extreme ways of dealing with things, its a human condition

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