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3 British people murdered in Kenya

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so why is it in cases like this you and certain others feel you NEED to amplify the terms islam, muslim etc yet in other cases of say murder, terror, killing, death, etc you dont amplify their race, culture, sex, religion etc?

does it only matter when its a case of muslims?


what about the muslim victims of such atrocities? why should they be dragged in the mud?


i saw the WHITE ENGLISH phillpots (who burned to death their 6 children) house is about to get demolished, i know, it doesnt seem to have the same ring to it


Probably the stupidest post I've ever read on this forum. The Philpotts were not motivated by their skin colour or nationality, so why embolden it?


In terms of motivating factors, it's totally illogical to compare ideological mass murder (eg terrorism, ethnic cleansing, genocide) to one off killings by others who are not connected in any other way to other killers through a common ideology. You might as well liken the the Holocaust to the Philpotts case, but I think everybody will see right through you in your attempts to trivialise the murders in Kenya as something less than they are.


what about the muslim victims of such atrocities? why should they be dragged in the mud?

Nazis probably killed other nazis, does that mean it shouldn't be criticised as harshly out of respect for nazis killed by other nazis? Again, totally illogical on your part.

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That's reverse psychology. The implication is that if your a Muslim and survive because a psychotic with a penchant to murdering but overlooks murdering you, then you are somehow responsible for the act of a psychotic extremist who also happens to be a Muslim. The psychotic in his skewed and perverted way may believe that because someone else is a Muslim they are by definition equally insane.


Are you a Christian Sierra? Do you feel culpable for the acts of other Christians who murder in the belief of their faith? I'll answer for you..no you don't as that would make you just as bad. You may empathise with their cause, you may even agree with their cause, but to agree with the murdering actions of their cause puts you bang to rights and just as bad.

You only have to look at the figures, Muslim extremists kill Muslims regardless of how extreme or not they are, and VERY rarely like in this case get a choice by being asked. It's just straight forward KA-BLAM.


If you define ALL Muslims as psychotic murdering madmen because some are then the argument isn't answerable, you've most likely reached a conclusion that's immovable. angos is pretty much there, but he's pretty much there with

anything. "It's Black, no - It's White. It's a bird, no - It's a plane. It's a paedophile, no - it's a misunderstood human being."


The exact same modus operandi was used to exterminate millions of Jews who mostly were very poor. Their only crime was that some other Jews were very wealthy and a certain little jumped up failed artist grabbed the moment.


---------- Post added 24-09-2013 at 22:40 ----------



You know this because you engage in Muslim circles? extremist ones at that?


I guess you'll reply with yes?


I engage in the same extremist muslim circles you do, darling. ;)


Show me where I accused all muslims of being responsible for this atrocity?


If I never hear that crap again it will be too soon. Next person who says that gets a virtual punch in the nose. Reasonable people know that the majority of muslims are good folk, bigots don't care and NO amount of pointing it out to them will change their minds. We would call that here preaching to the choir.


I pointed out (for those who missed it) that these extremists made it clear why they were doing what they were doing, and that's all.


---------- Post added 24-09-2013 at 23:12 ----------


Probably the stupidest post I've ever read on this forum. The Philpotts were not motivated by their skin colour or nationality, so why embolden it?


In terms of motivating factors, it's totally illogical to compare ideological mass murder (eg terrorism, ethnic cleansing, genocide) to one off killings by others who are not connected in any other way to other killers through a common ideology. You might as well liken the the Holocaust to the Philpotts case, but I think everybody will see right through you in your attempts to trivialise the murders in Kenya as something less than they are.



Nazis probably killed other nazis, does that mean it shouldn't be criticised as harshly out of respect for nazis killed by other nazis? Again, totally illogical on your part.


Oh, sweet Jesus. Philpott is their name. I thought it was some english swear word! :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-09-2013 at 23:14 ----------


That's because not all Muslims are, just fanatical ones..does that seem unreasonable to point out when the other usual suspects are convinced otherwise?


My reply was in general terms, not at you and your beliefs specifically. If you digested the post that would be clear.


How did you get this? I didn't post it! :suspect:

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I engage in the same extremist muslim circles you do, darling. ;)


Show me where I accused all muslims of being responsible for this atrocity?


If I never hear that crap again it will be too soon. Next person who says that gets a virtual punch in the nose. Reasonable people know that the majority of muslims are good folk, bigots don't care and NO amount of pointing it out to them will change their minds. We would call that here preaching to the choir.


I pointed out (for those who missed it) that these extremists made it clear why they were doing what they were doing, and that's all.






How did you get this? I didn't post it! :suspect:


I agree, but...


Considering you're replying to me with a statement made by someone else is evidence that you're not reading the posts correctly.

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Considering you're replying to me with a statement made by someone else is evidence that you're not reading the posts correctly.


I meant this: Originally Posted by Sierra

What??? Where did I ever accuse all muslims of being responsible for this atrocity?


I pointed out (to the usual suspects who talk in circles about how not all muslims are bad) that


I'm watching my neighbor's elderly cat and he likes to sit next to the computer. :suspect:

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mel, no one is amplifying anything, except the culprits themselves. They made is painfully obvious exactly why they were doing what they were doing.


"Are you a muslim? No?" KA-BLAM. It doesn't get more obvious than that.


In other cases, we the general public are left to speculate as to the motive. That's not the case here.


I replied with the following in general terms, you meaning anyone.


That's reverse psychology. The implication is that if your a Muslim and survive because a psychotic with a penchant to murdering but overlooks murdering you, then you are somehow responsible for the act of a psychotic extremist who also happens to be a Muslim. The psychotic in his skewed and perverted way may believe that because someone else is a Muslim they are by definition equally insane.


Are you a Christian Sierra? Do you feel culpable for the acts of other Christians who murder in the belief of their faith? I'll answer for you..no you don't as that would make you just as bad. You may empathise with their cause, you may even agree with their cause, but to agree with the murdering actions of their cause puts you bang to rights and just as bad.

You only have to look at the figures, Muslim extremists kill Muslims regardless of how extreme or not they are, and VERY rarely like in this case get a choice by being asked. It's just straight forward KA-BLAM.


If you define ALL Muslims as psychotic murdering madmen because some are then the argument isn't answerable, you've most likely reached a conclusion that's immovable. angos is pretty much there, but he's pretty much there with

anything. "It's Black, no - It's White. It's a bird, no - It's a plane. It's a paedophile, no - it's a misunderstood human being."


The exact same modus operandi was used to exterminate millions of Jews who mostly were very poor. Their only crime was that some other Jews were very wealthy and a certain little jumped up failed artist grabbed the moment.


I then answered a statement made by Adam Smith with the following..


You know this because you engage in Muslim circles? extremist ones at that?


I guess you'll reply with yes?


And you replied as though it was to you, not adam Smith with a vertual punch and the following...



I engage in the same extremist muslim circles you do, darling. ;)


Show me where I accused all muslims of being responsible for this atrocity?


If I never hear that crap again it will be too soon. Next person who says that gets a virtual punch in the nose. Reasonable people know that the majority of muslims are good folk, bigots don't care and NO amount of pointing it out to them will change their minds. We would call that here preaching to the choir.


I pointed out (for those who missed it) that these extremists made it clear why they were doing what they were doing, and that's all.


I haven't argued any of your position, I haven't implied your hang out with muslim extremists..darling. if anything I've reinforced your initial post. I just initially reinforced it with my own interpretation of the complexities of brush stroking with the term "Muslim".

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I replied with the following in general terms, you meaning anyone.




I then answered a statement made by Adam Smith with the following..




And you replied as though it was to you, not adam Smith with a vertual punch and the following...





I haven't argued any of your position, I haven't implied your hang out with muslim extremists..darling. if anything I've reinforced your initial post. I just initially reinforced it with my own interpretation of the complexities of brush stroking with the term "Muslim".


Ok. I'm sorry. I don't know if it's the way the forum quotes but I'm really having a hard time deciphering what you mean, or even if everything you quoted is meant for me.

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Ok. I'm sorry. I don't know if it's the way the forum quotes but I'm really having a hard time deciphering what you mean, or even if everything you quoted is meant for me.


217 is the only important one. Ignore the "adam Smith" insertion.


When you read it read it in general terms, not as though it's just to you. If you do that you'll read as an accusation. If you have issues with it still, point them out.

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That's reverse psychology. The implication is that if your a Muslim and survive because a psychotic with a penchant to murdering but overlooks murdering you, then you are somehow responsible for the act of a psychotic extremist who also happens to be a Muslim. The psychotic in his skewed and perverted way may believe that because someone else is a Muslim they are by definition equally insane.


Its insane to worship something that created Evil murders, therefor all Muslims as well as Christians, Jews, ect. must be insane, but not necessarily evil.


There isn't a sane reason to condemn the created whilst absolving the creator of all responsibility.

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For what reasons?


For the same reasons it would be to revere or worship the evil murder.


The vast majority of people think murder is wrong, so it must follow that anyone that commits murder or creates murders must also be wrong, therefor worshiping them is wrong, or insane.

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