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3 British people murdered in Kenya

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Then try a new argument to convince me. One that doesn't involve assuming what "most people think".


I don't need to convince you that most people think murder is wrong because I'm happy with your indifference on the mater.


In the grand scheme of things, most people think God exists, so thus you're insane. Arguments based on ad populum are pointless against religion.


That argument would only work if I didn't think God existed.

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I don't need to convince you that most people think murder is wrong

Indeed. You need to prove it. Until then it's an assumption.


I might even agree with your assumption, but it's still an assumption.


That argument would only work if I didn't think God existed.

True. Let me try again. :)


In the grand scheme of things, most people worship God 1, so thus you're insane. Arguments based on ad populum are pointless against religion.


Source 1. The CIA's World Factbook gives the world population as 7,021,836,029 (July 2012 est.) and the distribution of religions as Christian 31.59% (of which Roman Catholic 18.85%, Protestant 8.15%, Orthodox 4.96%, Anglican 1.26%), Muslim 23.2%, Hindu 15.0%, Buddhist 7.1%, Sikh 0.35%, Jewish 0.2%, Baha'i 0.11%, other religions 10.95%, non-religious 9.66%, atheists 2.01%. (2010 est.).[1]

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Indeed. You need to prove it. Until then it's an assumption.


I might even agree with your assumption, but it's still an assumption.



True. Let me try again. :)


In the grand scheme of things, most people worship God 1, so thus you're insane. Arguments based on ad populum are pointless against religion.


Source 1. The CIA's World Factbook gives the world population as 7,021,836,029 (July 2012 est.) and the distribution of religions as Christian 31.59% (of which Roman Catholic 18.85%, Protestant 8.15%, Orthodox 4.96%, Anglican 1.26%), Muslim 23.2%, Hindu 15.0%, Buddhist 7.1%, Sikh 0.35%, Jewish 0.2%, Baha'i 0.11%, other religions 10.95%, non-religious 9.66%, atheists 2.01%. (2010 est.).[1]


That assumes that all Christians, Muslims, Jews, ect. worship God, many people identify themselves as belonging to a religion despite not worshiping God. Even I used to do it because I was born into a Christan family and a confirmed Christan, I don't think many Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan ect. would happily admit to being atheist.

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From man's earliest knowledge, "God" has enjoyed human sacrifice, or so "His" worshippers tell us. Hebrew heroes sacrificed their daughters, Central American tribes sacrificed their prisoners, Catholics slew Protestants, Protestants slew Catholics, rulers slew their subjects to prove "God" had ordained them.

And just now it's Muslims who are doing it most spectacularly.

But it usually comes down to pleasing "God" by killing people



How many have been killed by Athe-ists "to the greater glory of Athe"?

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Lets look at the last 3 days of Muslim attacks.


2013.09.22 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Two Shahid suicide bombers obliterate over sixty worshippers at a church service.


2013.09.21 (Azamiyah, Iraq) - Fundamentalist gunmen kill four people at a store selling alcohol.


2013.09.21 (Nairobi, Kenya) - Nearly sixty shoppers are murdered by Islamic activists in a targeted attack on non-Muslims at a shopping mall.


2013.09.21 (Sadr City, Iraq) - Women and children are amply represented among over seventy people massacred by a Shahid suicide bomber at a funeral.


2013.09.20 (Shabwa, Yemen) - Three suicide bombings claim the lives of at least sixty-five local soldiers and guards.


2013.09.20 (Samarra, Iraq) - Terrorists detonate two bombs at a rival mosque, which snuff out the lives of eighteen worshippers.




While not all Muslims support every act of terror, nearly all Muslims support some acts of terror. They define acts that they disapprove of as terrorism and acts that they approve of as resistance like those in any country that is invaded.




Nearly 300 dead in just 3 days. In August 1616 people were killed with 3412 critically injured in 260 Jihad attacks. I`m sure that will not be headline though. The media doesn`t like reporting it.


Has it not occurred to you that in many of the attacks you've kindly listed above, Muslims are also the innocent victims?


No, I guess it hasn't.


Do you have any sympathy for the Muslim victims of these attacks?


No, I guess you don't.

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Has it not occurred to you that in many of the attacks you've kindly listed above, Muslims are also the innocent victims?


No, I guess it hasn't.


Do you have any sympathy for the Muslim victims of these attacks?


No, I guess you don't.


How do you know it hasn't occured to him? I assumed when they mentioned innocent lives snuffed out by maniacs, they meant EVERYONE regardless of ethnicity or religion. And in those countries, there's a good chance a lot of the victims were muslims.


Why do you guys do this to each other? Accusing others of not showing enough compassion. It's like some weird contest. It stops the discussion cold with everyone huddled in a corner afraid to speak up, lest they be the next one accused of being insensitive.


How much compassion and empathy can any of us really have for strangers on the other side of the globe? I'm ashamed because I miss a dead pet more than I do a dead relative.


I think unless you really know the person, it's an unfair accusation to make and a cheap shot. It's the sort of thing I expect to hear from my teenager, not someone I've never met. You don't know me well enough.


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 20:11 ----------


217 is the only important one. Ignore the "adam Smith" insertion.


When you read it read it in general terms, not as though it's just to you. If you do that you'll read as an accusation. If you have issues with it still, point them out.


Well, I have issues, but not with your post. Not today anyway. ;)

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so if there's a god, if, take a Muslim god, why would he create lslamophobes?





So everythhing is ok in the Islamic world Bell eh ? We should just forget terrorism, changes to how we live, what we eat, where we can walk, what we can say.

Killing people for not knowing Mohameds mothers name.

Islamophobia can only spread, and is there any wonder ?

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