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3 British people murdered in Kenya

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---------- Post added 23-09-2013 at 14:53 ----------An Indian man was shot because he could not answer the question 'What is the name of Muhammad's mother?'

When he couldn't answer they just shot him.




I would have been shot I don`t know the answer without google.


Pure insanity. Did it ever occur to them they may have inadvertantly killed a few muslims? Someone may have been so shocked and frozen with fear at what was happening, they simply couldn't get the words out.

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Pure insanity. Did it ever occur to them they may have inadvertantly killed a few muslims? Someone may have been so shocked and frozen with fear at what was happening, they simply couldn't get the words out.


I doubt any of these lunatics are troubled by rational thinking, Sierra.

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I doubt any of these lunatics are troubled by rational thinking, Sierra.


I fear you are right. None of this makes any sense.


Actually, this reminded me of the time I spent in Catholic school. There was one nun who lined us up like a drill sergeant and made us recite whatever prayer we'd learned that week. Even though I knew the prayer, by the time she got to me the thought of punishment often made my mind go momentarily blank.

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They've had a busy few days, what will next week bring? It will bring more of the same, there's no doubt of that..


2013.09.22 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A sectarian suicide bomber hits a funeral, killing at least sixteen mourners.


2013.09.22 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Two Jundullah suicide bombers obliterate over eighty worshippers at a church service, including many women and children.


2013.09.21 (Azamiyah, Iraq) - Fundamentalist gunmen kill four people at a store selling alcohol.


2013.09.21 (Nairobi, Kenya) - Nearly sixty shoppers are murdered by Islamic activists in a targeted attack on non-Muslims at a shopping mall.


2013.09.21 (Sadr City, Iraq) - Women and children are amply represented among over seventy people massacred by a Shahid suicide bomber at a funeral.


2013.09.20 (Qalqiliya, Israel) - A Israeli soldier is kidnapped and murdered by Fatah.


---------- Post added 23-09-2013 at 16:07 ----------


As anti- Islam activists are usually called "knuckledraggers" this is a good contribution...




why did Iraq have zero al-kida beore the USA and its terrorist arm Saudi invaded ?



why have you not included any terror attacks taking place in syria by the hands of british tax funded terrorist ??



fascism always hates people due to their beliefs . much like hitler convincing the public to hate jews.

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Oh, that's why they lined kids up and shot them...


The Muslim Defense League's slant on things..


Kenya has been bombing Somalia for 3 years now and most people don't even know about it, let alone speak out... http://fb.me/KW5NskXz



---------- Post added 23-09-2013 at 17:01 ----------


why did Iraq have zero al-kida beore the USA and its terrorist arm Saudi invaded ?



why have you not included any terror attacks taking place in syria by the hands of british tax funded terrorist ??



fascism always hates people due to their beliefs . much like hitler convincing the public to hate jews.


I think Iraq was much stronger when Sadam was in power and he wouldn't allow al-kida to do it. We made Iraq weak when we killed him...

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It's very worrying. I am fearful for what the world will be like for our children and grandchildren. :(


It is worrying. Its the weird out of date and down right disgusting customs and traditions that we are all supposed to just roll over and accept thats the main problem.

If islam was more modern or at least less savage then things wouldnt be so bad.

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