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Sheffield "UNITED " for a minute

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And dam Proud to be united together!!


This just goes to show that it CAN be done when necessary, and in this case, it was necessary.


Great pic - one for the archives. Nice one, CanadaBlade.

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I was speaking to my grandad about it lol, and he said it was like a war story that he knew, where The English and the Germans put all rivalry aside to play in a set of football matches, during the football matches all the men came together and forgot about the rivalry, But immediately after the football matches everything was back to normal again and the two sides were enemies again!


I dont know what he was getting at, but a deep story it was!



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Matt1889 - have you seen the video to Paul McCartney's last solo number one hit single, Pipes of Peace (1983)?


In it, he plays the part(s) of two soldiers, one English and one German, who, on Christmas Day 1918 (IIRC) met during a cease-fire to play a game of football and to exchange gifts such as chocolate and pictures of each other's wives and families. The 'teams' made up of the English Army and their German counterparts played football on the muddy 'no-man's-land' area between the trenches and shared swigs of each other's drinks.


Then, the fighting resumed and the armies set about following their orders to blast the brains out of the very people they had just befriended. A sad but true story indeed.

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And dam Proud to be united together!!


Yep , It could very easily have been 2 Blades that died so young and so tragically .

Glad the Blades at the match did their part and showed the respect that the football fans deserved.


Regards CB


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