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Why is the Labour Conference in Brighton?

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But most Labour MPs (and therefore, Labour members) come from North of London. Blackpool and Manchester are far easier to get to. Why don't they use other towns such as Whitby or Skegness for those on the East of the country?


Ah yes but Manchester and Blackpool also have large gay communities too. They can't go there because they'd be worried about how it might be perceived by straight white English people.

Members of the coalition have no such worries with prominent Red necked heteros making up their numbers

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They should have the conference in a traditional Labour stronghold like Liverpool or Glasgow. Not a trendy liberal enclave like Brighton.


But maybe they figured they don't want people like you mithering them about class war and Europe.

Incidentally where should the Consevatives, Liberals, and UKIP have their conferences?

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Conservatives in London.

UKIP in Telford.

LibDems? Orkney & Shetland. Their safest seat.


But isn't London too much of a wealthy and trendy place for Tories to have their conference? After all we wouldn't want them coming into contact with any North London latte sipping luvvies. They should be in the northern and Eastern provinces where they can represent their core vote surely?

I can see why you've put the Liberals up there in the Shetlands. But why UKIP for Telford? Aren't people from Telford suffering enough?

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