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Why is the Labour Conference in Brighton?

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Yeah, nothing serious could ever happen at a political conference in Brighton.




You never know you're luck!


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 14:22 ----------


For the nth time, there is not a shortage of property. There are something like 700,000 vacant properties in the UK. What people mean is that there is a shortage on affordable properties and considering the attitude of some people on these forums, it's quite easy to see why.


There may be 700,000 properties stood empty mecky but would you live in one of them? Some have no room for the 42 inch plasma telly so many of your pals like.


I went to look at some that were for sale in Bolton on Dearne, the houses were ok but the I would not rent one of mine out to the subspecies that patrolled the streets. You could make a fortune there running a combined Greggs and shiny track suit shop.


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 14:23 ----------


Spot on. Its just that the property isn't wanted because of it's design (terraced with no garden) or area.


People have become snobs and instead of just getting on the housing ladder where they can, that's not enough. They want a nice house in a nice area.


New houses aren't the solution, especially if they're in an area where someone can't afford to live in the first place.


Wasn't it in Blackburn or Burnley where they were giving away terraced houses?


Not far from me in Birkenhead they've demolished the old terraced houses and built a new community. But nobody wants them because "They're in Rock Ferry and its horrible and rough down there" as my OH says.


That's scousers for you.

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Not far from me in Birkenhead they've demolished the old terraced houses and built a new community. But nobody wants them because "They're in Rock Ferry and its horrible and rough down there" as my OH says.
Nice, keeps the new housing cheap for those not deterred by such snobism :)


The first house I ever bought in the UK was a new-built in Rawmarsh (re-built as part of a mews where the old school was, for those who know the area). Very nice it was too, big airy rooms, beautifully put together with walls out of old stones reclaimed from the old school house. For tuppence at the time, on the basis of similar snobism. Best amount of house for the money ever, by a country mile. And what a lovely place it was to live in, too.

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Spot on. Its just that the property isn't wanted because of it's design (terraced with no garden) or area.


People have become snobs and instead of just getting on the housing ladder where they can, that's not enough. They want a nice house in a nice area.


New houses aren't the solution, especially if they're in an area where someone can't afford to live in the first place.


Wasn't it in Blackburn or Burnley where they were giving away terraced houses?


Not far from me in Birkenhead they've demolished the old terraced houses and built a new community. But nobody wants them because "They're in Rock Ferry and its horrible and rough down there" as my OH says.



It was a rough part of stoke (although most of stoke is rough). They sold knackered old terrace houses for a pound each on the proviso of certain conditions (you don't rent it out, you have a bit of money to renovate and you can't move I think - its all in a bbc article I've linked before). In theory you now have a working class community who are tied to it and invested in it. They will want to make it work and make it a nice place to live. There streets like this up and down the country (most pathfinder cast offs ill be bound) that can be made to work cheaply which will help people get on the property ladder and help the area at large. In theory it can only be a good thing and I'd love to know how it's going.


If its working, ed milliband wants to make that a national thing rather than carrying on this stupid mortgage guarantee plan that osbourne is doing ie reinflating the property bubble. I'd consider voting for him then.

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So, why is the Labour Conference in Brighton? Brighton is the playground for wealthy Londoners, there is plenty of money down there compared to cash-starved northern 'resorts', so why are Labour putting money in to Brighton's coffers instead of more needy places? It doesn't seem very socially responsible to me.


We've seen what happens when political parties hold conferences in places like Sheffield.


The politician saw that as well. That's why they go to Brighton. Another missed opportunity to bring jobs to Sheffield.

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That's right, but the rightwing trolls are seriously panicking which is why they all try and discredit


Any sensible right wingers are far from panicking. Your man is an idiot, 2013 and all he can come up with is a reversion to Marxism?


The voters will see your lot off, there are not as gullible as you think.


Cameron for me, and the country. By about 30 seats.


PS I hope the Scots Nats win their referendum as well. Then we will see the end of any prospect of a Labour government for ever.

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So, why is the Labour Conference in Brighton? Brighton is the playground for wealthy Londoners, there is plenty of money down there compared to cash-starved northern 'resorts', so why are Labour putting money in to Brighton's coffers instead of more needy places? It doesn't seem very socially responsible to me.


what a pile of rubbish. There is plenty of poverty around there, indeed on the rest of the south coast as well, not just Brighton. In fact some of the most deprived wards anywhere in the country are not so far from there. Both Brighton parliamentary seats are Labour targets next election too. They need to win those kind of seats to win the election. It makes perfect sense for them to hold their conference there.


it was the Tories deciding to hold their conference in Manchester that was silly. They have not won anything in Manchester for thirty years, and this will not change in 2015. Labour did not have to hold a conference in Manchester to get Manchester Withington back from the Liberals next election, which they certainly will, which will make Manchester a totally 100% Labour city once again, which is what it usually is.

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