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Why is the Labour Conference in Brighton?

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Trying to move in on Tory territory with the likes of "One Nation" not that he has explained what that means.


Brighton is not really Tory territory. It used to be. They always used to have Kemptown by a large margin but their numbers there were falling even in the 1980s. By 1992, it was a marginal. it is the the more Tory of the two Brighton seats but now, they only hold it by a whisker. That is definitely a Labour target as indeed is the Green held Brighton Pavilion which used to be a two way Lab-Tory marginal but where the Tories now have little chance in 2015.

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Brighton has been gentrified. The more traditional Tory voters have been priced out by liberal beardy weirdy types that have moved down from London, these people are more likely to vote Labour or Green than Tory. A shame because in the long run it will ruin everything about the city that made them want to move there in the first place.

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Brighton has been gentrified. The more traditional Tory voters have been priced out by liberal beardy weirdy types that have moved down from London, these people are more likely to vote Labour or Green than Tory. A shame because in the long run it will ruin everything about the city that made them want to move there in the first place.


'gentrification' is the wrong word to use about Brighton. That would apply to not a few seats in London like Battersea, which from being former Labour bankers in the 60s and 70s, changed in the 1980s and became gentrified into what they are now - safe Tory seats. Brighton is like Northampton. Of its two seats, one was safe Tory and the other one usually Tory but which Labour just might grasp in a good year for them. But now, they are both quite close, even the formerly very safe Tory seat Northampton South, which Labour would be able to win if they have a good election. North they should be able to recapture quite easily.

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Brighton has been gentrified. The more traditional Tory voters have been priced out by liberal beardy weirdy types that have moved down from London, these people are more likely to vote Labour or Green than Tory. A shame because in the long run it will ruin everything about the city that made them want to move there in the first place.


What a strange world of stereotypes and misinformation you live in HH.

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whenever Brighton comes up I am always tempted to reference the famous and still hilarious quote that the town 'looks like it is helping the police with their enquiries'. Seemed to sum the place up rather well. I understand Brighton has changed, and I have not myself visited since 1998. But it was never really truly safe Tory territory.

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