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Old shops in the Wicker


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On 30/04/2021 at 15:20, ChrisR2 said:


I found this post because I'm trying to identify 'Nellie'. It's a bit mysterious because while I've got the basic details for the rest of the family, I cannot find anything about 'Nellie'. From what my father said, she should have been Nellie Fellows, daughter of Frederick Fellows, a publican who kept The Omnibus Inn, on Attercliffe Road. He had a son, Frederick Henry, and he was also a tripe dealer.


Castledine comes into it because Nellie's sister, Mary Ann, married a James Castledine, a moulder from Grimethorpe. Mary & James had the tripe shop on Attercliffe Road. James died young, and Mary kept the shop going for many years, with the help of another sister, Ada.

Could your Nellie have been Helena Fellows, born Q2 1872, daughter of Frederick Fellows of the Omnibus Inn, mother's maiden name Smedley?


I think that Helena married Benjamin Fieldsend (whose sister was my great-great-great grandmother). Helena maybe died in 1956, Benjamin had died suddenly in 1912 (burst blood vessel while waiting for a tram). I could be wrong, there were a few people called Nellie Fellows and more than one Helena Fieldsend around in Sheffield at the same time.




Andrew P.

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There was an opticians called Chadburns Lenses Ltd. I think it was 22 The Wicker but I can’t be certain. They had a factory on Meadow street.

The building had lots of floors and up at the top was the office where it was possible to look right down the Wicker.

I used to hang out the window and wave to the rag and bone man with his horse and cart.

Across the road  and a bit lower down was the Chinese restaurant and a huge furniture shop.

Freidrichs  did the best roast pork bread cake and if you were a bit hard up you could have the belly pork one or even just a dripping cake.

Looking at a video on Sheffield History the Wicker is hardly recognisable except for the arches.


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