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Firemen strike over gold plated pensions

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so the firemen are striking today over their gold plated public sector pensions eh?:roll: another example of the unionized working sector creating an unnecessary disruption & possible danger to the general public :roll:

although firemen i agree have a very difficult job at times, a lot of the time is spent doing general maintenance of hydrants & fire prevention etc and to be able to retire at just after 50 on a very good pension seems like a good option to me, especially as most firemen i know have been moonlighting for years in other jobs.


Firemen do a fantastic ,vital job and deserve every penny then can get in their pensions . They risk their lives day in ,day out for us . I know i couldnt do it , im not brave enough to run into fires to rescue people .

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Firemen do a fantastic ,vital job and deserve every penny then can get in their pensions . They risk their lives day in ,day out for us . I know i couldnt do it , im not brave enough to run into fires to rescue people .




I like your posts,but i'm afraid the brigade don't quite work like you state anymore..

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I dont think the public have much sympathy for them now, they work on the side taking other peoples work, dont really do a deal in the way of putting fires out ( apart from cars and wheelie bins ) most builders do a 4 year apprentiship whilst firemen do short courses and work on the side for peanuts, taking work from reputable people. i have a mate whos a firemen and he says they do jack all day... so why do they apply for the job if the money is crap ?? it is a semi skilled job and i think they get paid plenty for what they actually do, I have no sympathy for them unless they stop moonlighting and stick to putting fires out ( and fitting smoke alarms ) they kill the private builder.. its simple.. if the conditions and pay are bad in any job, leave and do something better..


I don't understand the dislike of firemen having a second job. You've characterised it as taking work from other people, moonlighting and so on... They are no more 'taking work' than anyone else that does a job.

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Firemen do a fantastic ,vital job and deserve every penny then can get in their pensions . They risk their lives day in ,day out for us . I know i couldnt do it , im not brave enough to run into fires to rescue people .


So do our Armed Forces, look well if they came out on strike every time there is a dispute over pay ect, their wages are rubbish compared to Fire Service, the Police and the Prison Service and a load of other jobs, their job is far more dangerous plus they are used as back up to these mamby pamby Services when they chuck their dummys out of their Prams.:rant:

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:huh: No they do not risk their lives day in day out... its no more dangerous than any job in construction.. its not backdraft.. thats hollywood..


On average 60 people are killed in the UK construction industry each year compared to an average of one death in the fire service. I hope this helps.

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I don't understand the dislike of firemen having a second job. You've characterised it as taking work from other people, moonlighting and so on... They are no more 'taking work' than anyone else that does a job.


what ?.lol.. the firemen already have a job ie. A FIREMAN.. they are well known in our traqde for working on their days off and working for peanuts, why cant they stick to their normal job ? they chose that proffesion and if the money is crap, then they should leave and do something else and stop moaning... and are they supposed to be fiddling anyway ? they dont pay tax on their sideline... just proves they cant be doing a deal at their day job, if they have the energy to do fiddle jobs aswell... what other proffesion actively works their normal job, then actively seeks regular work on the side ?? they dont have time or energy for it, firemen do..

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what ?.lol.. the firemen already have a job ie. A FIREMAN.. they are well known in our traqde for working on their days off and working for peanuts, why cant they stick to their normal job ? they chose that proffesion and if the money is crap, then they should leave and do something else and stop moaning... and are they supposed to be fiddling anyway ? they dont pay tax on their sideline... just proves they cant be doing a deal at their day job, if they have the energy to do fiddle jobs aswell... what other proffesion actively works their normal job, then actively seeks regular work on the side ?? they dont have time or energy for it, firemen do..


This was all common practice years ago and under the terms of employment there was a requirement to obtain permission but many didn't bother. Like you say it was easier to do a bit of cash in hand work on the side. I'm not sure if the rules have changed over recent years.

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