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Shareholders profits more important than saving an OAP's life.


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This is how it works.

We the people own everything the government builds.

The government used tax money to build the infrastructure you speak of.

They sold it, which raised money for the government which we the people own.

They spent it on behalf of the people on other stuff we use.

So you didn't loose anything when the utility companies were sold, and for the most part what they sold was a pile of crap that needed massive investment to make it more officiant.


I know what has happened,and how it works,what we lost was the ability to regulate power bills and keep them affordable to save lives.

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Did you know that the UK already has some of the cheapest energy supplies in western Europe? Only France and Luxemburg has cheaper energy to domestic customers. I bet Ed didn't tell you that..


So if you were a Norwegian selling gas where would you choose to offload your supplies?


How Do UK Retail Energy Prices Compare to Rest of Europe?


For those people that don't believe you.

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Did you know that the UK already has some of the cheapest energy supplies in western Europe? Only France and Luxemburg has cheaper energy to domestic customers. I bet Ed didn't tell you that..


So if you were a Norwegian selling gas where would you choose to offload your supplies?


You cannot compare energy prices like that-we pay twice as much as the USA.Did you include VAT in your comparison?

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I know what has happened,and how it works,what we lost was the ability to regulate power bills and keep them affordable to save lives.


But Britain already has some of the cheapest energy supplies in western Europe.


Should we force our power companies to buy energy on the world market and sell at a loss?


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 17:27 ----------


You cannot compare energy prices like that-we pay twice as much as the USA.Did you include VAT in your comparison?


Perhaps ED should cut VAT on domestic fuel bills rather than drive our energy suppliers out of business.


The USA cut the price of gas by around 60% when it allowed fracking. What's your thoughts on getting Ed to do the same?

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No one is an energy company. But everyone is free to buy shares in energy companies. Don't you think it hypocritical that you condemn folk who are selling their shares in the energy companies and yet you seem reluctant to take on the burden yourself. Just why do you think that others have a responsibility when you clearly don't feel like doing your bit yourself?


If you really want to do something find another load of folk and buy the whole lot and give free energy to everyone you feel deserves it. I won't be investing. I'm out!


I don't think I condemned them did I?..............I simply stated the fact that people were putting the prospect of not making enough profit over the possibility of stopping OAP's freezing to death........it's up to them what they do with their money,if I was a shareholder,I wouldn't be selling off shares because of the prospect of makin less money..........but maybe i just have more social awareness of what my actions are saying.


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 16:31 ----------


But Britain already has some of the cheapest energy supplies in western Europe.


Should we force our power companies to buy energy on the world market and sell at a loss?



Tell that to the families of the 2700 each year.

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But Britain already has some of the cheapest energy supplies in western Europe.


Should we force our power companies to buy energy on the world market and sell at a loss?


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 17:27 ----------



Perhaps ED should cut VAT on domestic fuel bills rather than drive our energy suppliers out of business.


The USA cut the price of gas by around 60% when it allowed fracking. What's your thoughts on getting Ed to do the same?


Fracking would mean breaking carbon limits-plus it is unproven and hazardous.

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How Do UK Retail Energy Prices Compare to Rest of Europe?


For those people that don't believe you.


On a first glance at that chart, we're about midway in energy prices compared with the rest of europe.


Whether we like it or not, companies HAVE to make a profit otherwise they will fold.


They need profits to enable them to expand their business.

If they don't make a profit then somethings gonna happen.


Businesses, such as power companies need to make a profit so they can renew or improve their energy resources.


If they don't improve their resources then power cuts may prevail.

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If pensioners can't afford to pay for energy then it really the government fault for not providing higher pensions, or there own fault for not saving for their retirement, I don't see how its the energy companies fault.


OK,then let private companies just keep putting up prices for essentials then,there's an endless supply of government money to give to people so they can afford to buy them and maximise these companies profits at the publics expense.

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I know what has happened,and how it works,what we lost was the ability to regulate power bills and keep them affordable to save lives.


What we gained is no power cuts, we used to have them all the time before privatisation, how many people died when there was no energy at all. And I'm sure it's is still regulated.

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