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Shareholders profits more important than saving an OAP's life.


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By FAR the biggest problem with OAPs is getting them to use their money to keep warm. There have been plenty of cases with OAPs with considerable amounts in the bank dying through cold. Very few, if any, of OAPs actually not having the money to turn the heating on. I worked for age concern a few years ago and this was all through them. I doubt it's changed that much since.

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It's crazy this discussion is even taking place, that we are threatened with being held to ransom by a cartel of suppliers that make super profits, avoid tax and for all their yapping about infrastructure have a terrible track record of providing New infrastructure.

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It's crazy this discussion is even taking place, that we are threatened with being held to ransom by a cartel of suppliers that make super profits, avoid tax and for all their yapping about infrastructure have a terrible track record of providing New infrastructure.


Britain’s big energy companies are making profit margins of £125 a year from every household in the UK, so there isn't much margin for cutting prices.


Best case scenario is they all decide to go none profit and you save £125.

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Britain’s big energy companies are making profit margins of £125 a year from every household in the UK, so there isn't much margin for cutting prices.


Best case scenario is they all decide to go none profit and you save £125.


What about the profits made in the generating sector-they sell the power to their retail arms at huge profits.

Also £125 times 30 million households is £3.75 billion so some leeway is possible.

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So do I. In 9 posts, you've managed several illogical arguments, some loaded questions, and cases of reductio ad absurdum thrown in.


That's quite an achievement.


So which part of people dieing through fuel poverty,and shareholders selling shares because they are afraid of their profits being hit don't you agree with?

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It's crazy this discussion is even taking place, that we are threatened with being held to ransom by a cartel of suppliers that make super profits, avoid tax and for all their yapping about infrastructure have a terrible track record of providing New infrastructure.


Well, we in here weren't discussing this particular topic until earlier, when Miliband and his ridiculousness started this off, and in one day wipes nearly a billion off the biggest company of the lot.


I don't think it's being held ransom anyway. I doubt BG were too chuffed this morning. Do you think that the big companies wanted today's prices to fall?




He said "The Conservative Party will support them, but I'm in a different place. I'm standing up for the British people."


Who's is standing for? Not me.




The Labour leader said he would not stand for suppliers "colluding" to raise prices ahead of the election to neutralise the effect of the cap.


This is what I posted yesterday, and this is what will happen...


I tell you what the 'freeze energy prices' means. It means if he is ahead in the polls this time (just before winter) next year, prices will go sky high. Enough to cover the freeze and then some - and when/if it proves impossible to use this power the prices won't come back down.




He said: Labour says the move will save average households £120 a year and businesses £1,800.


Great, so best case scenario?, £120 saving per household per year. £2 a week. And he said that before today's prices.


He's not even in power and causing havoc already.


added link


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 19:00 ----------


So do I. In 9 posts, you've managed several illogical arguments, some loaded questions, and cases of reductio ad absurdum thrown in.


That's quite an achievement.

So which part of people dieing through fuel poverty,and shareholders selling shares because they are afraid of their profits being hit don't you agree with?




Good one, all in one.


At least you have a sense of humour.

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Britain’s big energy companies are making profit margins of £125 a year from every household in the UK, so there isn't much margin for cutting prices.


Best case scenario is they all decide to go none profit and you save £125.


I think their complex tax arrangements need to be unravelled to understand the true levels of profit.


But anyway, there is loads of margin in that £125 figure. Multiply by the number households and see what you get ;)

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This is how the mafia work,threatening to hold people to ransom unless they can extort profits from them to the max.


The Banking mafia are the same,threatening to withdraw from the UK if they are over regulated...........holding the government and with it the public to ransom,now this guy Neil Woodford,chief critic of Milliband, because it would hit his profits...........pulled out of Severn Trent because the regulator,OFWAT,the guys who represent the customer,was making things too difficult for him to make money on the back of the public..........so he pulled out............have Severn Trent gone bankrupt?.........has water stopped running?.........threats and blackmail,that's what the business mafia fall back on when things look like going against them.

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By FAR the biggest problem with OAPs is getting them to use their money to keep warm. There have been plenty of cases with OAPs with considerable amounts in the bank dying through cold. Very few, if any, of OAPs actually not having the money to turn the heating on. I worked for age concern a few years ago and this was all through them. I doubt it's changed that much since.


You wanted evidence in your first post and you were given it. Now you go on to state that "plenty" are dying because of the cold despite having plenty of money. One minute you want evidence and the next you tell us their dropping like rich lemmings


Considering you worked for age concern it doesn't seem to have sunk in that finances are not just the problem. Age itself (mentally) can have an effect. Financial and social pressures combined can also take its toll. Old folk are very independent and proud, the cartels know this and quite frankly probably don't give a toss anyway.

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