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It's not free - somebody else is paying for it.

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The socialist students are out in force again insisting that higher education should be free. If you ask them who should be paying for it, they stare at you blankly.


You can see their point. Why should those getting high level qualifications and likely to earn far more than their less educated peers be required to contribute to the cost of that education when the extra earning comes in. It's so unfair. We really should take some more money off the magic money tree and use it to fund higher education fully.


It should be an especially high priority to find full funding for such vitally important popular courses as media studies and sports journalism.




Higher Education should be free




We need to return to the Grammer School system




Only the best would go to university




its only the richest that get the best education




Thats not right




The current system favours the rich eliete




Thats why the rich liberals




The old grammer system

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Are you sure? I would think its more likely to upset the left winger.


Quite sure thanks, it's why you replied


---------- Post added 26-09-2013 at 07:31 ----------


Higher Education should be free




We need to return to the Grammer School system




Only the best would go to university




its only the richest that get the best education




Thats not right




The current system favours the rich eliete




Thats why the rich liberals




The old grammer system


Oh, you mean social engineering?

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The old system favour the best, regardless of their background or how rich the parents were.


Look at it now, look at the best schools in Sheffield where they are located and look at the house prices. Do you think someone on the minumum wage can afford to live in those districts?


Look at where the worst schools are, look at the social problems in those schools and these happen to be in the areas where the poorest people live.


So yes, the liberal left wing rich elite favour the current system and why shouldn't they? They get the best education and the greatest life chances, and thats why many students liberal left wing pillocks who don't have any grasp of the real world (look at our current political class - they are all the same, thats why they are so out of touch).


Get back to the old system, slash the amount of university places and save education for only the very best (regardless of how rich the parents are) then you may start to stop this country from going down the toilet.

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I do have sympathy with the students, especially considering that I benefitted from free higher education.


However, in these days of austerity it's the same old question - Who is going to pay for it?


The money just isn't there anymore to pay for student fees, so if it is going to be given for free that either means cut backs elsewhere (Hospitals, Roads, Schools etc) or taxing people more.


I for one am already earning less than I was a few years ago, I can hardly now afford to start paying for other peoples higher education.


Whilst I have sympathy with them, I really don't see what alternatives the Government had (and I'm sure it would have happened under Labour).





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The socialist students are out in force again insisting that higher education should be free. If you ask them who should be paying for it, they stare at you blankly.


You can see their point. Why should those getting high level qualifications and likely to earn far more than their less educated peers be required to contribute to the cost of that education when the extra earning comes in.

Don't they already do that? Taxation is after all both a and progressively tiered.

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