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It's not free - somebody else is paying for it.

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The socialist students are out in force again insisting that higher education should be free. If you ask them who should be paying for it, they stare at you blankly.


You can see their point. Why should those getting high level qualifications and likely to earn far more than their less educated peers be required to contribute to the cost of that education when the extra earning comes in. It's so unfair. We really should take some more money off the magic money tree and use it to fund higher education fully.


It should be an especially high priority to find full funding for such vitally important popular courses as media studies and sports journalism.


Just playing devils advocate here....if they go on to earn more than their non-uni peers, they will pay more tax than their peers....which would offset the cost of their higher education?

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Not necessarily, there are many degrees that have very few if any benefits to then majority. The there are students that move abroad once they have the qualification they need. which wouldn't benefit the UK.


I would like to see some degrees offered at no cost to the student on the condition they remain in the UK for a set period of time, such as medical related degrees, engineering. But I can't see the benefits in paying form someone to study surfing, or Equestrian Psychology.


Yes I agree. Far too many useless degrees, which is why I think universities should be for strictly academic courses. Insisting a student spends time in the UK after qualifying seems perfectly reasonable.

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Doesn't demand for something drive prices up, usually prices fall when something is in less demand.


not when overseas students are paying incredible amounts of money to study here, they're not subsidised like UK students are.

They're paying mega bucks to attend our uni's and bring in loadsacash.

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Personally I think Maths and Sciences mainly. Obviously it's debatable, different people will have different views.


Universities should be centres of excellence and research.


Media and the arts are an easy target but if you look at our film, fashion and other creative industries we're right up there with the worlds best. We don't want to lose that do we. A sensible cap on numbers on arts etc subjects or even a higher bar to start studying maybe?

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Media and the arts are an easy target but if you look at our film, fashion and other creative industries we're right up there with the worlds best. We don't want to lose that do we. A sensible cap on numbers on arts etc subjects or even a higher bar to start studying maybe?


Yes, good points.

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Personally I think Maths and Sciences mainly. Obviously it's debatable, different people will have different views.


These so-called STEM subjects (standing for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are already financially ring-fenced and attract bursaries and so on to encourage take-up. There is some evidence that it's working and previously declining subjects like physics are becoming more popular - but again this might be entirely due to people like Profs Brian Cox and Alice Roberts making science 'cool' once more :)

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