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It's not free - somebody else is paying for it.

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Yes I agree. Far too many useless degrees, which is why I think universities should be for strictly academic courses. Insisting a student spends time in the UK after qualifying seems perfectly reasonable.


Sounds like illegal detention to me.


---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 07:26 ----------


Personally I think Maths and Sciences mainly. Obviously it's debatable, different people will have different views.


Universities should be centres of excellence and research.


That's it, just 2 subjects... Wow.


No medicine, no engineering, no IT of any kind, no business, no MBAs, no finance, no law, and so on.


---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 07:28 ----------


Both, they would compete to keep the available business and the uncompetitive ones would close.


if EVERYONE stopped going, whatever it is would close. There is no competition if you have NO customers.

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if EVERYONE stopped going, whatever it is would close. There is no competition if you have NO customers.


Yes, I assumed though that when they said everyone they actually meant a lot, a bit like saying

"hey look everyone is going somewhere."

or asking

"were is everyone going,"

when clearly it is just a large number of people going somewhere and not everyone.

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Higher Education should be free




We need to return to the Grammer School system




Only the best would go to university




its only the richest that get the best education




Thats not right




The current system favours the rich eliete




Thats why the rich liberals




The old grammer system


Would they have taught you some grammar and spelling?

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The socialist students are out in force again insisting that higher education should be free. If you ask them who should be paying for it, they stare at you blankly.


You can see their point. Why should those getting high level qualifications and likely to earn far more than their less educated peers be required to contribute to the cost of that education when the extra earning comes in. It's so unfair. We really should take some more money off the magic money tree and use it to fund higher education fully.


It should be an especially high priority to find full funding for such vitally important popular courses as media studies and sports journalism.


The tax payer. Simple. I benefited from a free higher and further education and have paid the money back in spades through the taxing of the higher earnings I have been able to make as a result of my education

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The tax payer. Simple. I benefited from a free higher and further education and have paid the money back in spades through the taxing of the higher earnings I have been able to make as a result of my education


Much better nowadays though if the students going onto Higher Education have to take out a loan (ideally interest free), and only start paying it back when they start earning over a specified threshold - so those who do go onto excel in their field and earn the big money can be seen to be paying it back more quickly, and also act as an incentive for students to go onto courses that will help them get a better paying job, and maybe also keep them focussed on their studies more than getting hammered every weekend...

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